Showing posts from June, 2009

Repeating Dreams

Dreams repeat sometimes. Why do they repeat? In ancient times, before the destruction of the earth …

Dream Recall Enhances Other Gifts

Increasing Spiritual Knowing by Increasing Dream Recall An increase in dream recall ability also in…

Correcting Dreams

Some dreams correct us against bad decisions. Two Dreams about a Bad Decision The first dream is my…

Custom adapter in color

I got a comment on this blog with relation to an old sin of mine, the custom adapter example progra…

Its all about the data

I'm at Google this summer (Google summer internship round #2) because its where the data is. I…

Dreams About Someone Else's Life, Pt 2

THIRD DREAM INTRODUCTION A false dream leading to bad choices in my life. In this dream, I saw a wo…

Dreams About Someone Else's Life

A dream can teach you about someone you have never met, but are going to meet. This happened to me …

Buddhism and 24-Hour Consciousness

What is 24-Hour Consciousness? Buddhism teaches that it is possible to maintain your consciousness …


Let's have something lighter than the application separation stuff was in the previous entry. I…

Teeth Falling Out Dream

What does it mean when a tooth or a few teeth fall out in a dream? It is important to know that the…

Write Notes First, Even with Digital Recorder

After posting the importance of short dream notes to stimulate recall, I broke that principle mysel…

Digitally Record Your Dreams

Recorder vs. Recall Test yourself. Can you beat your recorder? I have listened to my recorder tell …

S.A.N.D. Sleep Awake Notes Details

When a fisherman brings a fish alongside the boat, he nets it as quickly as he can. In the same way…

A Shift of Focus: Relying on Prototypes versus Support Vectors

The goal of today's blog post is to outline an important difference between traditional categor…

Keep Accurate Dream Notes

Accurate Notes Override Ignorance There will be times a dream contains information you do not know.…

Recording Dreams with Digital Recorder

After yesterday's blog, I was inspired to capture a dream. So, last night I put my recorder nex…

Electronic Voice Recorder for Dream Notes

A Dream Log is of utmost importance. There are dreams on my recorder that I do not remember recordi…

Dream Notes & Dream Log

If you are going to be serious about advancing yourself and your interaction with dreaming, you wil…

Dream Interpretation: My Thoughts

Vivid and lucid dreams have been with me since I was a small boy, wondering why I could see such cl…

On Edelman's "On what it means to see"

I previously mentioned Shimon Edelman in my blog and why his ideas are important for the advanceme…

Controlling application separation

I thought I knew how application separation in Android works. Then I had a little project and I rea…

Exemplars, Prototypes, and towards a Theory of Concepts for AI

While initial musings (and some early theories) on Categorization come from Philosophy (think Categ…

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