Recording Dreams with Digital Recorder

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After yesterday's blog, I was inspired to capture a dream. So, last night I put my recorder next to me, on the windowsill. I have a high bed, with a thick mattress, so this is convenient. You do not want to place your recording tools in an inconvenient location. If you have to fumble around to get your tools in your hand, it is possible to begin losing the scene from your mental platform.

My goal is to train you so that you will be able to remember several dreams each night, and to be able to recall dreams with great ability. These little tips may seem unimportant now, but as we work together, you will see their importance.

Keep your recording tools close, and very easy to access.

I grabbed the recorder off the sill and pushed the record button. There are just three buttons on the Olympus I own: Play, Stop and Record. I pushed the record button at the bottom, just as I always did when I was recording two or three dreams per week (a slow pace). An old message began to play. I thought, "What?" Then I realized I must have pushed "play." I pushed Stop (middle) and then pushed the top button. The screen lit up, and I could see the 'available memory' bar appear. This let me know it was recording.

You need to know if your recorder is actively recording. Previously, I used the Sony VOR M-527V microcassette-corder. It works very well. With this recorder, or one similar, check to see the cassette moving before speaking. If you hit the end of the tape while speaking, you will have to turn over your cassette, or worse- find a blank.

Congratulations if you fill a tape. I bought my tapes at Radio Shack, but eBay may be a greater resource today.

However, after the first time you fumble around in the dark for a tape, you will remember to check your cassette. Ensure there are at least a few minutes recording time available before the end. Remember that there is unusable tape at the end of the reel. It is stronger material used to attach the tape to the reel, but not recordable. While this clear tape is moving over the recording section of your recorder, it will appear to you as if it is recording. You will be speaking, and losing whatever you say.

Check the tape when you use microcassette recorders.

So, last night I recorded a dream. Here it is:

"When things are repeated in Proverbs, what is the pattern?"

Yes, that is the entire content of my recording. But, I have not recorded in a long time, so it is a small victory for me. Your first recorded dream will also be a milestone. Now, here is where recall techniques come into play.

I read the work of Stephen LaBerge and the Lucidity Institute. I don't think much of them. You do not need their special night goggles and electronic wall equipment to record a dream! They pitch those things simply out of need to fund their operation. (Which is a military-industrial operation, btw.)

LaBerge doesn't know about individual recall ability. You can develop, exercise and strengthen your ability to recall. Yes! You can.

So, I hear the message on my recorder. Next, I remember a man walking out of a room. He has an aide, and says to him, "Research Proverbs. Look at the lines which repeat. Look at there numbers and tell me if you find a pattern."

Now, do not stop here and think, "That is all I got." I like to say "capture a dream". Dreams can be elusive, but we are going after them. We use our natural talent to go get it.

Sit back, relax. Assume a relaxed posture, similar to falling asleep. Relax your muscles. Drop any thoughts about work, relationships, whatever. Look at the image. For me, it is the man leaving a room. I want to 'see' his details.

Well, I concentrated and focused. Since I have not excercised my recall skills in some time, I was able only to recall the general sense that I was shown several scenes about this man. He was on a train and also worked out at a gym. There is a sense he is an influential man.

With practice, I would have recalled the room from which he departed- the physical nature of it, e.g. a board room with an oval table and high-back chairs. (I believe it was a meeting of men in suits.) Then, I would have recalled the events: the general sense of the event, the discussion, any conflict or high points. Then comes another transition event.

A transition event can be anything. In the case above, it is the doorway through which he walked. My memory stops at the door. The scene I was able to recall is the man in the hall, dark suit with sharp details (well attired), his aide, a briefcase in his hand, they are moving fast. He seems busy. All that I have, but it is a snapshot. My memory stops at the door.

To move from the snapshot backward into the previous room, I need to animate the scene. Then, I will see him move in reverse, back into the room.

Also, remember that there is still a chance you will remember other parts of the dream later during the day. This reduces with each passing day dramatically. I will assign a number: 30% chance to recall second day following failed or partial recall, 5% third day. After three days, any recall chance is very small.

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