Write Notes First, Even with Digital Recorder

Write Notes First, Even with Digital Recorder - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Write Notes First, Even with Digital Recorder !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori digital recorder !! dream teaching !! taking notes !! types of dreams !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Write Notes First, Even with Digital Recorder ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

After posting the importance of short dream notes to stimulate recall, I broke that principle myself. I woke Saturday morning with three clear, developed dreams. I took my recorder and went into the front room. I talked out the first dream. Then, there was only a blank on the other two dreams. After focusing for a while, I recalled vaguely a fighter attack aircraft and an attack on a civilian population center. There was an explosion.

Before I spoke the first dream into the recorder, the scene and purpose of the attack aircraft dream was more detailed, and seemed more valuable. After focusing on recording the first dream, important components of the attack aircraft dream were gone. I erred in failing to take simple notes. Once the mind begins to focus on clear details of one particular dream (or scene within a series), other dreams' details get pushed away.

Some more notes on this event:
I went into another room to record. It was already time for me to wake, and I did not want to disturb my wife. I also do this in the middle of the night for very important dreams, such as warning dreams for release to the general public. Otherwise, I try to minimally upset the sleep of my spouse. If your work with dreaming becomes a burden on your spouse, he/she can develop a negative attitude to what you are doing.

Dreams about a future war, and future battles. This is a major theme in my dreams. It is a mistake to apply psychoanalytical methods to these dreams. Some dreams are literal. They show you exactly what is to take place. The focus of many military dreams I receive is on technology.

In general, the dreams we receive are not simply categorized into one family. There are different goals of dreams. Some teach, others warn. Some dreams are symbolic, others are literal. Some dreams are only about yourself. Some dreams are not for you at all, but a warning for another person. Some dreams are intended for the nation or even for the world. Some dreams are for other nations. Set yourself free from teachings of the scientific and psychological communities. Those fields are saturated with teachings of the mind. They lack wisdom from on high.

If the dream does not include an interpretation within itself, don't guess at the meaning. Just record your notes and then detail the dream honestly. Then, if the dream was precognitive, you will recognize it clearly after it transpires.

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