Buddhism and 24-Hour Consciousness

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What is 24-Hour Consciousness?

Buddhism teaches that it is possible to maintain your consciousness for a full twenty-four hour period. Most people, when they sleep, there is a void in memory. Someone who sleeps eight hours has sixteen hour consciousness. If she can remember, to her conscious mind, 4 hours of activity, then she has twenty hour consciousness. Someone who has achieved 24-hour consciousness can recall every event of their sleep. Such a person remembers all their dreams.

I once had an opportunity to meet one such person. Living in Philadelphia at the time, I had a friend who had become a servant to the group that traveled with the Dalai Lama. This friend arranged a meeting between me and this guru, whom he described as the number one teacher of dreaming and 24-hour consciousness in all Buddhism.

This man was teaching at the University of Pennsylvania for just two nights. His schedule allowed him to meet me only for five minutes, after the end of his second teaching session. I waited outside until the end. The fee to attend the lecture was high, and I waited outside. I was not allowed to attend without paying.

At the end, my friend came out, looked around hurriedly, saw me and motioned quickly with his arm. I walked up to him, "Okay, let's be quick. He is very busy." We walked to the stage. A group of individuals pressed at him with questions.

I myself had a very pressing question. I shared it previously with my friend, and that conversation brought me to the Buddhist dream guru. I told my friend, "All the systems of dream teaching and dream analysis validate every dream. Each dream is acceptable, and has something to teach. But," I said, "I believe some dreams are meant to mislead, delay and destroy. I strongly suspect some dreams are from a corrupt source and are intended to bring the dreamer to destruction." I was not sure if this was true. So, I talked about it a lot. I wanted to know. Are some dreams bad?

When my time came, and I stood in front of the guru, I had been pondering this question for almost three years without clear resolution. My friend brought me before the guru. He bowed neatly, without disturbing his red and yellow robes. As his shaved head returned to upright, and his eyes fixed on mine, an amazing thing happened.

I saw everything the man ever knew or learned in a moment. I suddenly saw inside his mind. There, a screen raced backward, searching everything he knew. If there were visual database searches, this was it. Having completely searched through all his information, I saw that he knew nothing. My answer was not there. I thought that was very cool. I wondered how he had been able to show me all his knowledge on dreams in such a rapid visual storm. I had never heard of this mental sharing before. But, I wanted to look cool in front of all the celebrity worshipers, so I just bowed, took a step back, turned and left. I wanted him to understand that I understood his gracious gesture. I also did not want to embarrass him by revealing to his fans that he had no idea about the answer to my question.

The next day, my friend visited me. "Why did you do that?" he asked. "It was a big deal for me to get you this meeting. I never asked for such a thing before. When you just left without saying anything, he was furious. He was really offended. He was mad. Why didn't you ask your question?"

I explained what happened. We both realized- the guru had no idea what happened. He did not initiate my seeing all his knowledge.

Today, I know unequivocally that there ARE false dreams and there are true dreams. A false dream is one which is sent to put the recipient on the wrong path. This creates delay, disappointment and discouragement. A true dream is one which teaches, encourages, and promotes right living, success, and godliness. This lesson, of false and true dreams, is priceless. Today, you learned the concept for free. The ability and wisdom to apply this knowledge comes with time and experience.

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