Dreams About Someone Else's Life

Dreams About Someone Else's Life - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Dreams About Someone Else's Life !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori dream !! dreams !! new friends !! precognitive !! validation !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Dreams About Someone Else's Life ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

A dream can teach you about someone you have never met, but are going to meet.

This happened to me several times when I lived in Philadelphia. I received this type of dream from both destructive and constructive sources (evil and good). In the night, I would see several scenes about a person. The next day, or perhaps in two days, I would meet the person.

The material from the dream validates you to them, and you know a little about them as well. This type of dream will continue your entire life after you become skilled at recalling dreams. Interpretation belongs to God, and He can give easy to interpret dream content, or cause you to wait for understanding. A person's details typically present a straight-forward view of their person, nature, lifestyle or other identifying characteristics. There may be one scene, or several. There may be more than one night of dreams about this person.

Here are three dreams about people I soon met:

1. THE REBEL: I saw a young woman. She was a typical little girl at first. Then she started to wear a black leather jacket. Eventually, she got a mohawk and her jacket now had shiny metal spikes. I saw her in prison. I saw her take a drag of a cigarette with her left hand. Then I saw her take a drag with her right hand. This repeated several times. Left, right... then again, left and right. I didn't understand what the left and right detail signified, but I was expecting to meet this person in one or two days, as had happened to me several times already.

Two days later, I walked into my coffee shop in downtown Philadelphia. There, I looked at a young woman. I had seen her the previous day as well. However, this day, as I looked at her, I kept remembering the dream about the rebellious young woman who went to prison. The sense of the dream also visited; the dream itself seems to "push". This young woman looked nothing like the rebel, however. She was dressed conservative-cute and her long black hair looked very healthy. She was an attractive young woman of 19 or 20.

I approached her table. "Excuse me," I began, "did you used to wear a black leather jacket?" I asked this particular detail, because it was innocuous enough and had the potential to quickly disqualify her as the person in the dream. She said yes, so I asked, "Did it have metal spikes on the shoulders?" Again she confirmed my guess. These things did not fit her current presentation at all. So, I felt a bit encouraged.

I was thinking, "I just 'guessed' information about her that no one could possibly know. Perhaps she will believe this." I sat down and explained the dreams I saw two nights previous, and that I had noticed her the previous day, but was too busy to stop and chat.

She confirmed all the details I saw, even the mohawk. She added that she had gone to juvenile hall several times. I asked about the left and right smoking. "Oh," she said. "That is easy. I am ambidextrous."

She came to the coffee house several times. I always enjoyed her company. She also remembered very vivid dreams. One theme that came to her often was her death. She would meet a man and they would have a great love. She would have several children, but then fall ill and die. I encouraged her to seek a healthy lifestyle and to not accept the death she saw. I encouraged her to take the dreams as a warning, not as fate.

2. THE LOVED ONE OF GOD: In a dark night, I see a dark car driving hard down a dirt road. Cheers can be heard from the car. In the darkness, I see square buildings and open spaces. A chain link fence surrounds the area. They drive up to the largest building. A group of young men emerge from the car and go to the door. One of them says, "Don't worry, I do this all the time." He does something with the door, and it opens. They rush inside.

My 'camera view' pans up, way up, above the door through which they just entered. I see a painting there. It is a nature scene. But, my scene focuses on this painting. The paint I see begins to fade and my view merges into the paint. Then I see a previous scene painted on the muslin canvas. There are masonic symbols there.

After I realized the content hidden on the painting above the main entrance, the scene turned and followed the young men into the free weights section. This gym was unusual. In the middle, there is a racquetball court. A short wall surrounds it. But it is completely open. People at the ground floor, where the boys were, could stand at this short barrier and watch a racquetball competition below.

A set of monkey bars stood in this area. It was oriented perpendicular to the racquetball court. One of the boys walked to the far end. "Hey watch this!" he yelled. Before he said this, I noticed two large demons sitting on the ceiling. They lounged there as if the ceiling itself had it's own gravity.

"Ha-ha!" one chuckled. "Watch this!" As the boy reached the end (nearest to the pit of the court), he performed a type of jumping dismount. The intent seemed to be to jump a good distance. However, the demon grabbed him, pushed up and away, and sent him sailing far beyond what a boy can jump. The boy cleared the short wall and tumbled through the air, landing in the pit.

His friends rushed to the edge to look. I could see the boy. blood quickly formed a pool behind his head. He did not move.

Then, a bright light appeared. I looked up and saw a very large stained glass window. Through it came a woman in long white robes. Light emanated from her. She was very tall. As soon as the demons saw her, they began to whimper and cry out with great drama. One turned to flee, but the other, stepping on the first, held him down. The top demon crawled over the first demon. He never took his eyes off the angel, but kept his head turned backward and his eyes locked on her.

"You know you cannot do this." She said. "You have no right." By now, the screaming and wailing of the demons is extremely loud. Their panic is great. They are balled up together, one still partly atop the other.

The angel moves her arm in a gesture. I sense some kind of movement. I watch as the boys run backward away from the racquetball court. I watch the young boy come back up from the floor and return into the air. He ascends up to a point, but does not return to the monkey bars. Then, I see a trampoline at the bottom of the court. The angel drops her hand and time progresses again forward.

The boy falls, hits the trampoline, bounces and hits the ground. He hits his head, however. There is a deep cut behind his right ear. The boys are amazed at the trampoline. They take their bleeding friend and leave. The scene ends. But...

Next I see a different type of scene. This is an image suspended without any backdrop. I see the young man who fell. There is a deep cut. I hear a voice say, "And God loved the boy so much, He would not allow the enemy to put their mark on him." I watch as the injury rapidly heals, leaving only original skin. There is no scar.

MORE THAN A YEAR LATER, I have a dream telling me I need to talk with a young man. He is in his early twenties and has very long, black hair. I see him in the dream. He is friends with a group of guys I know. They are regular customers, but I don't like them. Their rough appearance keeps customers out.

The day following that dream, the rough tough fellows walk in. With them is a new person- with long black hair. I watched them pass me and go down into the basement sitting area. "Amazing," I thought. "If that is him, he will come back up and I can talk with him then." After a few minutes, he stood at the cash register and ordered a drink. I offered it for free in exchange for 5 minutes of conversation. With a wide smile, he said, "I'll purchase the drink. Conversation is free."

After we had been friends for several months (I never thought he was the young man in the demon attack), he told me the story of going onto the military base near where he lived, breaking into the gym. He explained the bizarre way he "hopped off of nothing" during his dismount from the monkey bars. He never felt the demon's hands lift him. He told me with amazement about the trampoline in the racquetball court. I just stared at him in complete amazement. I had been remembering the dream about the demons and the angel for a few days. Now, I was hearing it from a man I had already known for months. Before I could say anything, he said, "When I got up, I could see the spirit of my mother. She was dressed in white buckskin. My friends never saw her." Then he turned his head and said, "And look at this, there is no scar, none at all. It healed in just a few days."

We are friends to this day. I am godfather to his daughter.

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