عرض الرسائل ذات التصنيف false dreams

False Dream Indicator

A False Dream Indicator 18 December 2013 - Last night, I had a false dream. How did I know? Let me…

Reincarnation Dreams: Deceptions from Devils

I used to believe in reincarnation because I had been duped into believing it by demonic dreams. Ea…

The Good, the Bad, and the False: Types of Dreams and Origins

A visitor to the blog asked about my use of the term "bad dream". Here is the response:…

General Principles of First Things to do with a Dream

Dream Interpretation Principles You recalled a dream. What do you do first? 1. Is the dream only ru…

Lessons Learned from Making Bad Decisions Based on Dreams

Life Setback Because of False Dream: A YouTuber PM'd me. His mother had lived more than a decad…

You Cannot Follow Every Dream

You Cannot Follow Every Dream In the late 90’s, I lived in Philadelphia. One night, I dreamed I was…

Filter Your Own Thoughts from True Dream Content

Your Own Thoughts Enter into Otherwise Legitimate Dreams The following post relates scenes recalled…

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