Reincarnation Dreams: Deceptions from Devils

Reincarnation Dreams: Deceptions from Devils - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Reincarnation Dreams: Deceptions from Devils !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori demon dream !! false dreams !! French !! Japanese !! past life dream !! past life recall !! reincarnation !! reincarnation dream !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Reincarnation Dreams: Deceptions from Devils ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

I used to believe in reincarnation because I had been duped into believing it by demonic dreams. Each dream was full of accurate detail- and from the exact same time period in which it took place. I dreamed I was a Samurai fighting the system... that I was a French swordsman (yep, swords checked out to 1300 AD France). I sat hours and hours in the main branch of the Philadelphia public library pulling out old books, flipping through catalogs of costumes, weapons, and gear. Time and time again, the details of the dreams matched up to just one era.

I reasoned my mind could not possibly invent this. How could my mind know such details?

One day, a detractor was mocking the reincarnation promoters in a forum. He said, "Ever notice how all the past life recalls are of being a king or a superhero or a high ranking religious person?"

It is true. Something like 80% of the false dreams I received and those of others I have read appeal to the ego. The devil leads you into trouble in a deceptive way. The target of the deception simply thinks they are experiencing some kind of memory. Instead, devils attack the mind, part of the soul, by implanting false ideas, visions, and emotions. But, the attack is not direct. It is not against understanding. It is to create false pride and arrogance. I am a simple person, not a mighty sword master from 300 BC in Japan or from 1300 AD France. In fact, I am mediocre at the forms of martial arts and wrestling in which I trained.

Finally, I was having one of the French era dreams, at an estate ball. I noticed something wrong with a shadow on the ground outside the window. It rippled. As I looked again, suddenly a fish tank appeared on the ledge.

But, already suspicious, I proclaimed, "This is a false dream" and the dream shattered. All the people disappeared. Standing at the far end of the ball room: a huge red demon with a 2-sided sword.

After that, no more past life dreams. Reason: all fake.

Reincarnation is a deception propagated by devils. If you are having them, proclaim you do not desire anything not of God. State plainly such dreams are not welcome. Warning: If you secretly desire such ego-stroking, the demon will keep his right, and come back at the soonest opportunity.

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