Lessons Learned from Making Bad Decisions Based on Dreams

Lessons Learned from Making Bad Decisions Based on Dreams - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Lessons Learned from Making Bad Decisions Based on Dreams !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori "dream interpretation" !! dream decision !! false dreams !! interpretation by prayer !! rules !! safeguards !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Lessons Learned from Making Bad Decisions Based on Dreams ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Life Setback Because of False Dream:

A YouTuber PM'd me. His mother had lived more than a decade expecting certain events which never came. She expected these things based on a series of dreams she had.

She received a blessing. When false dreams do manifest (they sometimes do), the outcome is usually terrible and painful. The promises of the devil come with a very high cost. When God promises, it is always better than you expected.

Rules for Filtering False Dreams:

I compiled this list quickly in responding to the PM. The list may be further developed later.

In the beginning, because of a weak spiritual base, I also had deception in my life. I made decisions based on dreams. From that, I have these rules:

1. Make decisions exclusively based on prayer.

2. Pray about every dream, is it from God, from my own mind, or from the enemy of God?

3. Make no decisions based on fear or ambition.

4. After making a decision, how do I feel? If I feel peace, or even strengthened, it was the right decision. If I feel "bad" about it, or have doubts... the decision was all or at least partly wrong.

5. If something feels wrong about a dream, or about my interpretation, I can do nothing about the dream until I can say what the wrong thing/component is.

6. Don't open doors for the enemy. For the enemy to attack, he needs a right. I have removed anything unholy from house. This includes old books, faux-Christian books, anything that might be an "idol", anything that is really demonic (I found some Po-ke-mon tokens that I got in a bag of chips, for example.)

7. The only way to interpret a dream is prayer, or if the dream is interpreted within the dream by an angel (even then, pray to be sure it was from God.)

8. The dream content has to match what is on my heart, and previous content in my dreams. The devil once tried to convince me that I would be a great doctor, and lay the groundwork for regeneration of limbs on humans. I never had a dream about that, ever! I had no aspirations to do that, either.

9. If I receive a false dream, I don't write it down, I don't share it either. I just remember the content. The devil often blitzes thousands of people with the same dream. This plants a false notion. Christians seem to have this superstition that if two or three dream something, then it is true. Scripture says if two or three prophecy, then we should consider it, "consider" it. I look to see who is reporting that information, and tag that "prophet" with a huge question mark.

10. A dream is a warning or a promise. God likes to give surprises. The best things in my life, the ones from God, were completely hidden. One reason is that, if the devil knows the promise, he also knows what and how to attack.

11. When a dream outcome is undesirable, it is time to pray and time to bind. If the dream is from God, then it is also time to repent and time to change our decision making process.

12. Do not allow the absence of a dream about something rule it out. It seems a huge number of dreams would eventually venture into every major life event, process and period. But, to rule something out, like buying a particular home or renting a particular apartment is an error. It could be that you had many dreams about the place, but simply have not yet recognized it. The brunette future wife in your dreams could be dyed blonde. I dreamed of my future loving wife with long, dark hair. When I met her, it was cut short. I never mentioned the long hair. After a year of marriage, she grew it out. Her dark hair has been long ever since.

Prayer is the answer to life decisions, not private interpretation of dreams.

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