You Cannot Follow Every Dream

You Cannot Follow Every Dream - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang You Cannot Follow Every Dream !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori Blavatsky !! deception !! devils !! dream information !! false dreams !! Philadelphia !! satan !! White Dog Cafe !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan You Cannot Follow Every Dream ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

You Cannot Follow Every Dream

In the late 90’s, I lived in Philadelphia. One night, I dreamed I was working with two young ladies I knew. These ladies were not romantic interests. However, at that time, I was interested in following through with almost every dream I received. I wanted to see what would happen. I considered myself, in part, to be a psychological explorer. I wanted to experiment and gain raw data. More than this, I fully expected that something interesting would result if I pursued actions in waking life which I first saw myself do in dreams.

Both of these young women, Megan and Juliet, worked at the same place: The White Dog Café located at 3420 Sansom Street in University City. This is just a few blocks north from the main campus of the University of Pennsylvania, and one block west of Drexel University. I applied with the manager and was told something like, “Everyone wants to work here. The waiting list is three months long.” However, I knew the Holy Spirit would make an opening for me. I fully expected that one day the Holy Spirit would lead me there, and I would be hired immediately.

The day arrived several weeks later. I rode my mountain bike the 16 blocks to the White Dog. I walked in and met the maitre d’. He was very happy to see me. “We just had someone quit. Can you start today?” I said yes. Later that same night, I returned and began to work as a waiter at the White Dog. Waiting tables in this café taught me a lot. First, I learned that waiting tables is hard, dynamic work. A waiter must be excellent and skilled in psychology, etiquette, memorization skills, food, beers, wines, alcohol, and group communication.

I also learned one more very interesting thing. I learned about Madam Blavatsky. Blavatsky claimed to have traveled to India. There, she met some people who led her to secret underground facilities. She acquired there knowledge from ancient texts. These were thousands of years old and had been protected from world wide calamities in these caves. She once fell ill. Some sickness entered her leg and it looked as though she would not recover. However, she was told that laying a white dog on the leg, and leaving him there for some time, would heal the leg. She followed the prescription, and was healed the same day. This is how the “White Dog” café received it’s name. At the time, I appreciated the working knowledge, but set the Blavatsky information aside as a curio.

Today, I can tell you that Blavatsky spoke into the world the plans of Satan. The underground tunnels she visited are the outer tendrils of the catacombs of Hell.

In the first articles on dreaming I have written, I address the topic of deceptions from the enemy. The enemy will work to deceive you. The enemy will work to warp what you do. As soon as you receive a dream, the enemy will effort to append that dream- thereby warping and distorting it. We must be aware of the works of the enemy.

Many who visit this website are very experienced in dream recall and have labored to understand many dreams. These readers know that dreams are far more than random neural activity. They know that dreams supernaturally contain information about unknown events and about future events. You all have seen one, several, or hundreds of dreams come to pass. You have rejected the main stream “science” teaching which degrades a powerful tool for man into a randomly generated, insignificant, mental collage. However, of these, few have also rejected the false geography taught in books about the other side of the veil.

We cross a veil each night. On the other side, there are “the heavens”. In these heavens, living persons exist. These are angels of the Kingdom of Heaven, and fallen angels. The angels live in Heaven, a place “high above” where we live on earth. In between Heaven and here, are other layers. In those layers reside fallen angels, called demons or devils. These devils work against you in every way permitted, and sometimes in ways they are not permitted. They work to falsify dreams- as soon as you receive them. They author and choreograph dreams themselves; they will send an entirely false dream. They will work against your life by manipulating other events.

In the case of the White Dog, Juliet and Megan both quit working at the White Dog. Instead, they were hired by my business partner to work in my own shop in West Philadelphia. This was the devil’s work. A devil put the idea into his head. He hired them without any mention to me. I did nothing to bring this about.

In this case, the action was inspired by God, and I was fine. I received the knowledge the Holy Spirit wanted me to gain- Blavatsky, tunnels of hell, satanic teachings entering the world, and the real information war between truth and darkness.

Be wary of messages in dreams. Not all of them are sent from those who love you and freely give with pure intent. Some deceive and their way leads down to the grave.

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