Dream Recall Enhances Other Gifts

Dream Recall Enhances Other Gifts - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Dream Recall Enhances Other Gifts !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori "closed visions" !! "dream recall tips" !! "free online interpretation" !! "open visions" !! dream school !! dreams !! prophecy !! visions !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Dream Recall Enhances Other Gifts ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Increasing Spiritual Knowing by Increasing Dream Recall

An increase in dream recall ability also increases other forms of communication with the spirit. You will notice an increase in dream recall as you exercise your recall skills, dedicate yourself to recall and learn more techniques and skills to use in exciting dream recall.

Other spiritual interfaces will emerge as well. In the process of seeking the truth of God and seeking to receive spiritual wisdom, guidance and knowledge via dreaming, I noticed in my own walk and in the walk of others that as dreaming increases, other gifts of the spirit also increase. Most spiritual people have one primary method of receiving communication. These can be dreaming, visions, spoken prophecy, prayer, meditation (focused concentration and listening for the Lord) or some other way to “see” and “hear”.

Many prophets have one particular avenue. Daniel Rodes of Virginia hears from the Lord in prayer. The same is true for Peter Kumar of India. Tom Deckard from Mount Carmel, Iowa receives closed visions. The author of this writing receives dreams. Tom Deckard also receives information via dreams and prayer. Daniel Rodes rises early in the morning to pray and seek a word from the Lord.

All these are legitimate methods to receive from the Lord and commune with the Lord. However, expect to experience the other avenues of information. I myself have had open visions, closed visions, prophetic messages in prayer, dreams and prophetic leadings. A prophetic leading is when the Holy Spirit leads you into an understanding via conversations, research, study and a combination of other communications.

You should also expect to experience these.

Other things will increase as well. Intuition will increase. “Just knowing” something will increase; you can look at someone and “just know” they are cheating on their wife, suicidal, confused about a decision, and etc. There are many other things that increased for me as I practiced and desired to increase my dream recall and to seek truth. These will happen for you as well.

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