Repeating Dreams

Repeating Dreams - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Repeating Dreams !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori Bible !! dream recall !! repeating dreams !! vision of the night !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Repeating Dreams ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Dreams repeat sometimes. Why do they repeat?

In ancient times, before the destruction of the earth by the great flood recorded by indigenous peoples in all the world, there lived a man named Job. Job suffered at the hands of the devil, who tormented Job by killing his family, sending thieves to steal his flocks, and finally by afflicting Job's body with sores.

The Story of Job (in brief):
Three of Job's friends come to speak to Job. With them came a young man named Elihu. Later in the story, God talks to all the men about the days-long conversation just concluded. God is so mad at the religious things the three friends said to Job, God wants to kill them. But Job prays and God forgives them.

The young man, however, spoke well. Here is what Elihu said about repeating dreams:

Elihu's Wisdom:
Job 33: 14-16 "For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction,

17 That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man.

If the dream warnings are refused... the next passages warn of physical torment... then Elihu gives a prophetic message about the Redeemer.

(Chapter 33 of Job is the young man, Elihu, speaking. Elihu is not mentioned when God lists the other three, older, men as having spoken incorrectly about Him.)

Is a Repeating Dream a Certainty to Happen?

I have broken many repeating dreams. I saw them, took them as a warning, and changed key decisions and even daily behavior. If you have a repeating dream, the outcome or result of which you do not like, do not accept that result as absolute. Many people have repeating dreams about conflicts in their lives. All they need to do is create peace and resolve the issue. The negative things seen as a result will then never come (at least not as a result of the conflict about which the current dream warnings were.)

Look at your repeating dreams. What are they about? What are they really about? A dream about bad driving may really be addressing the manner in which you navigate through social situations or conversations. People who cut others off in traffic tend to be the same people who don't care enough to listen when others share their thoughts. What needs to change in your life if you want a different future? Repeating dreams warn us. Their intent is to direct us off the broken path and onto the narrow path of right living.

A repeating dream is a warning. If you have a repeating dream- Pray for wisdom, understanding and to be protected by God. Even though man does not perceive the dream, an effect results. God repeats the dream to "seal instruction."

Remember: Not all dreams come from God. Read about my experience with the top man in the Buddhist dreaming camp: Buddhist Dream Guru

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