Correcting Dreams

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Some dreams correct us against bad decisions.

Two Dreams about a Bad Decision

The first dream is my wife’s. The second dream is mine.

We began to attend a church in the next town. One day, several weeks ago, I craved chocolate and crossed the street to the market nearest my door. There I met a man who told me he had been completely set free from drugs and alcohol. He had been free for several months.

That excited me. I wanted to see the power of God working, so I attended the next meeting there- a 6 pm Bible study group. Most of the men there had found salvation through the prayers of their relatives.

After two weeks, problems manifested. A comment was made about “wearing our Sunday best.” The next week, I missed the Thursday study group, but attended Sunday. A regular passed me saying, “Nice to see you back.”

That gave me a bad taste and I replied, “Where have I been?”

Another comment was made about attire, and I was ready to return to my neighborhood church. But, I hate to lose to an offense, so I continued going to meetings and Sunday service. My wife worked weekends, so attended a few group meetings only.

A Replacement Wedding Ring (Wife’s Dream)
My wife dreamed that she was promised that, if she would invest her diamond engagement ring, the borrower would return her investment and a large dividend. She gave her ring. But, the return was a replacement ring only. “This is fake.” She told the woman.
”No,” the woman replied. “This is your ring.”
My wife became very upset and cried in the dream. The loss of her wedding ring upset her greatly.

When she told me the dream, she appeared very tired, distracted and a bit sad. Later in the day, she commented that the dream had given her melancholy throughout the morning.

We talked about the dream. I asked her what a ring meant to her, personally. While we talked, I desired to receive an interpretation, and waited for it. I suddenly understood- the ring represented her marriage to Christ. The fake ring represented the new church- and a marriage to a fake Christ.

A Church without any Power
I dreamed someone removed my wedding band and replaced it. (I did not discern if it was the same, or a fake, as in my wife’s dream.) Next, I saw a black cord pulled from an electric socket. I heard the word, “unplugged".

But, here is what happened the evening previous to my dream. I attended the Thursday study night. I first waited to deliver my wife to a jewelry sales presentation “party”. It started at 7, but she consented to an early drop-off, and I rushed directly afterward to the study.

At the end of the study, the pastor asked me, “Do you know the study starts at 6?” His tone said a bit more. He was telling me I needed to arrive at 6.

I talked with him outside the building, between the door and our cars. I mentioned that the following Sunday, I would attend my neighborhood church at my wife’s request. The pastor and I talked for about an hour. He laid out his requirements. I had to be “faithful, accountable and teachable.” By faithful, he meant, and I had already learned, regular attendance. Under the topic of faithful, he also stated that tithing “to the local church” is required. He could not meet my challenge to support that with scripture from the Bible.

“Accountable” he defined as submission to an authority. Each person needs a cover, someone to whom he is accountable, he asserted. He also failed to support this doctrine with the teachings of Jesus or the disciples.

The conversation soured as he proclaimed someone who attends more than one church is “sick, just sick.”

I prayed Thursday night, and woke Friday morning with the dream shared in this blog post.

Wedding Ring Dream Meaning:
So, the dream meaning of a wedding ring, in these dreams is interpreted to mean “commitment.” A marriage is a commitment between a husband and wife. The dream talked about a commitment to not a church assembly, but to God. My wife receiving a “fake” ring represents the spirit of control in the out of town church. Jesus came to set the captives free from religious control.

We never again attended that church.

The Next Sunday...
We attended our neighborhood church the following Sunday. The service was amazing. During the service, the pastor’s wife took another woman to the stage and gave her a microphone. This woman reported, “The Lord says there is someone here who has been ‘sitting on the fence’, not making a commitment here or there. It is time to make a decision.”

Note: A few days before my wife's dream, she said to me, "Why hasn't the Lord given me a dream in a long time?" I answered that we should pray for her to receive a dream, and we did. Initially, I prayed for her to receive a dream that very night. But, while praying, I felt this was wrong, and prayed for her to receive a dream "this week." Her dream was three days later.

Follow Up, Three Years Later: 
Of course, I prayed for this pastor, and for the people attending there. A few months after I quit there, I met the same man who had been set free from drugs after his family prayed for months. He complained about his mistreatment at the church.

About three years later, the Holy Spirit began to bring to my mind something from my prayer time for this church. I felt I needed to share this message with that pastor. So, I prayed God would create the opportunity. The Holy Spirit occasionally reminded me of this undelivered message over the next few weeks. One afternoon, I suddenly felt an inclination to drive to a particular Carl's Junior restaurant and eat lunch.

I felt inclined as I walked out the door to return for a particular item. And, when I arrived at Carl's Junior only a few minutes later (I hit every light but one green), I carried it in with me. I ordered, and turned around to find a table.

Someone said, "Interesting book you got there." The item in my hand was a Bible.

Under a baseball cap, sitting in a booth, was the pastor from the unplugged church. I asked if I could join him. We talked for a long time. I told him what the Holy Spirit had told me, "You have the ability to build a strong church. You are not your father. Do not try to build like he built. Build according to what is in your heart." We talked about a lot of doctrines. I was able to locate several scriptures to support my position. I was very glad the Holy Spirit reminded me to bring it. Additionally, while I am not the person who is typically able to recall the scripture and verse of a teaching, on that day, the Holy Spirit brought them to my mind over and over again.

Who knows what God will do with that church? The Holy Spirit warned my wife and I in a dream. And, the Holy Spirit also encouraged the man pastoring there. His father preached once. I ranked the sermon in the upper echelon of dead preaching. He preached a cerebral, university-type educational sermon on the history of scripture.

He concluded by asking everyone to think for a minute, "How can you build the church?" We sat for a moment. I concluded this is done by preaching the gospel and casting out devils and healing the sick. The pastor's father finally answered, "Every person invite one person to church and bring them next week."

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