Episode 55 - The Summer Hiatus Star-studded Non-Episode

Episode 55 - The Summer Hiatus Star-studded Non-Episode - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Episode 55 - The Summer Hiatus Star-studded Non-Episode !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori astronaut !! Audio !! George Clinton !! Holllywood !! Mike Mongo !! podcast !! SETI !! Sun Ra !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Episode 55 - The Summer Hiatus Star-studded Non-Episode ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Recorded: 15 July 2016
Released: 16 July 2016
Duration:97 minutes

download the .mp3 audio file

It's our Summer hiatus, so we just had a free form conversation hosted by Paul with Mike Mongo, Nick Nielsen, and Patrick Festa. James Garrison was with us in spirit.


George Clinton
George Clinton
Maggot Brain
Maggot Brain Live
Sun Ra
Bernie Worrell
Big Lebowski
Episode 54
Daniela De Paulis
Sarah Jane Pell
Nick Nielsen: The Spoor Of Civilizations
Astronaut instruction Manual
Natalie Cabrol's new paper on SETI

Lev Vygotsky

The Lorentz Transformation
The Michelson Interferometer

The Outer Edge of Star's Habitable Zone is a Hard Place for Life


Paul Carr: Silicon Valley


Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Panelists: Mike Mongo, Nick Nielsen, Patrick Festa
Music: DJ Spooky
Hardware: Shure, Pro ART, Focusrite, Apple
Software: Loopback, Reaper, OS X Yosemite
Post Production: Auphonic.com
Hosting: Libsyn.com

Demikian info Episode 55 - The Summer Hiatus Star-studded Non-Episode , Semoga dengan adanya postingan ini, Anda sudah benar benar menemukan informasi yang memang sedang anda butuhkan saat ini. Bagikan informasi Episode 55 - The Summer Hiatus Star-studded Non-Episode ini untuk orang orang terdekat anda, Bagikan infonya melalui fasilitas layanan Share Facebook maupun Twitter yang tersedia di situs ini.

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