Sleep Paralysis

Sleep Paralysis - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Sleep Paralysis !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori body !! nightmare !! sleep paralysis !! soul !! spirit !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Sleep Paralysis ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Sleep Paralysis

The spirit adjoins the body via the soul. Demonic forces attack the soul, which causes a contest for ownership... this sometimes is the causes the inability to interface with, and move, our own bodies.

Another explanation is that the spirit re-enters the body very rapidly (because of bedroom noise, for example.) and the spirit-soul-body connection imperfectly forms.

However, I believe the primary cause is demonic or supernatural connection.

Somehow, the demons transfer information via this "soulish" connection.

One way to break it is by forcing movement, even if just of the head. Somehow, as soon as the grip is broken by even a simple movement, the entire contact breaks off.

Even calling out to Jesus using just the mind can break it, also. Just think, "Jesus, help me!" and you can break sleep paralysis.

A personal experiences with sleep paralysis:

As a boy, one night I awoke. A window covering most of one wall was completely open. The starlight beamed into the room. Partially illuminated at the end of the bed was a man. I could see his form, silhouette, and facial features. Yet, I could also see the closet doors behind him. His face, stature and general appearance matched my step father. I could lift my head enough to look down and see him. His left hand was on the blankets draped over my feet. He moved slightly. I felt something- a part of me –slide down toward my toes. I screamed. It was a solid scream. The apparition seemed to jerk back, surprised. It moved rapidly and indecisively, then turned toward the closed door, and walked through.

The next morning, mom made inquiries into the loud scream. I confessed it was me and told my story. My step-father, who certainly cared about us, explained that the same night he dreamed he got up and walked around, checking on the children (they had five of us).

In this event, I felt something like a sheet move inside my person. The apparition intrigued me. But, the sensation I felt scared me thoroughly.

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