How to Stop Nightmares

How to Stop Nightmares - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang How to Stop Nightmares !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori bad dreams !! demon dream !! nightmares !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan How to Stop Nightmares ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Nightmares and Bad Dreams

This is an Excerpt from the book, "How to Stop having Nightmares."

Nightmares and bad dreams are caused in most cases by demons. Some bad dreams result from unfavorable events experienced in the previous day, from sickness or from discomfort during sleep. These lifestyle and corporeal influence dreams will be addressed in future posts. This post focuses on the work of demons, and how you will break their power, and cast them out of your dreams. (Yes, even Freddie Kruger is easily defeated with these techniques!)

Demons operate on rights. If they attempt to do something not permitted to them, God charges them a very high price.

So, we need to locate the right they are claiming to attack you, and eliminate it. Here are some common rights: 1. Family curse, 2. Unforgiveness, 3. Unrepented sin, 4. Ongoing sin, 5. Idols in the house

These are the Big Five in breaking demonic strongholds.

Really, you need to begin to study "deliverance". I am going to list for you some good resources to learn on free sites. Then, I will provide some quick notes on how to start breaking rights of demons.

Sites: - Audio clips from deliverance seminars at the camp. Very powerful stuff, very educating. Most of the most effective ministers in recent decades. -Interviews with deliverance ministers. Format a few years ago was all prophecy. Now, it is mostly deliverance. -A deliverance radio show. - download the "Mass Deliverance Manual". It is a how-to on identifying which types of demons may be present, and which scriptures have been most effective in breaking those particular kinds. - a free one-our teaching on how to pray will change your prayer life and relationship with God forever... Be sure to watch the 1-hour, and even the 3-hour training on how to pray and how to cast out devils and heal the sick.

The following are some of the problems that open the door for nightmares and bad dreams. And, the solutions that most often are effective are provided. 

1. Family curse: Pray. Listen for the Holy Spirit to tell you what has happened, and what needs to be broken. As Daniel did in Babylon, apologize and confess to our Father in Heaven the "sins of the fathers" and then break those curses. "I break any and all curses that came on me, my family, and all my descendants because of the sins of my forefathers in Jesus' name. I command all demons present because of this sin to go and not return."

2. Unforgiveness: Any old wrong you received which continues to return to your mind through the years is likely not forgiven. Make a general statement that you now release any record of wrong, and forgive each and every person who has ever wronged you. Also forgive yourself for anything you might be punishing yourself for.

3. Unrepented sin: Ask our Father in Heaven to forgive you for all sins of commission and sins of omission. Confess them to God, as Daniel did, as David did. The Holy Spirit, again, will bring to mind anything that needs confessing. For me, He had been reminding me for more than a week before I learned about how to repent and break the soul ties which result from sexual sin, and from participation in drugs, the occult, witchcraft, and owning or possessing idols such as pagan artifacts (eg arrow heads, pottery), paintings (images), and religious icons.

4. Ongoing sin: Sin many times gains a power over the sinner, who then struggles for years to break it. Repentance and breaking soul ties removes this power. Stop all sinning such as: drug use, glorification of drugs, tolerance of drugs, support of drug use.

5. Idols in the house: Images of catholic/orthodox "saints" (these are really reinvented Greek & Roman gods, which are demons), Native American art, little Buddha statues, drug paraphernalia, and etcetera.

For a more in-depth discussion, and to learn more, I recommend my book, "How to Stop having Nightmares.". Remember through it all: the most important thing in deliverance and overcoming the enemy of God is to seek and listen to and obey the Holy Spirit of our Father in Heaven.

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