Estimating Event Manifestation by Dream Density or Frequency

Estimating Event Manifestation by Dream Density or Frequency - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Estimating Event Manifestation by Dream Density or Frequency !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori dream !! dream density !! dream manifestation !! dream recall !! dreams !! new friends !! precognitive !! repeating dreams !! validation !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Estimating Event Manifestation by Dream Density or Frequency ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

It is possible to form a good idea of when an event will manifest. This is done by monitoring the frequency of dreams about that event.

When the subject event of a collection of dreams approaches in time, the dreams about that event will sometimes increase in frequency. For example, in 1996, about October, two dreams came to me within one week of each other. These two dreams, about fighting a surprise fight against an adversary with a physical advantage. A third dream occurred about one month previous to the two recent dreams. All three dreams had the same abstract concepts in relationship, emotion and surprise. The result in each dream was also the same. And, the same internal event fueled the shift from victim to victor.

Dream #1: (I have forgotten how I got into this jam, but…) There is a man I must fight. He brandishes a knife and waves it about. I realize he has a huge advantage. I am unarmed. A wave of fear passes over me and my muscles in my arms, legs and back stiffen. My eyes grow large to take in the view.
Then, I feel a cold wash of light on the crown of my head. This cool sensation follows immediately behind the wave of fear. The cool feeling brings with it this instant knowing: “What I am doing is righteous. What he is doing is not. The Lord will not hand me over to him. I will be okay.” And so, with this peace, I engage the man, disarm him, and immobilize him on the ground.

Dream #2: This man is a martial arts expert. His white gi is crisp and held tightly closed with a black belt. He holds the horse stance and his fists are one in front, toward me and the other pulled tightly into his ribcage. I realize suddenly I cannot avoid this fight. A wave of fear passes over me and my muscles in my arms, legs and back stiffen with fear.
Then, a cold beam of light strikes the crown of my head. The silvery-white light is a cylindrical column which splashes and sparks as it meets the crown of my head. It immediately follows the fear wash. I instantly know this: “What I am doing is righteous. What he is doing is not. The Lord will not deliver me to him. I will be okay.” The light and this new knowledge relax me. I step forward and fight him. It is a clumsy grappling match. But, I emerge victorious.

Dream #3: I accompany a friend to a meeting just after sunrise. The meet was scheduled for just before nightfall, but the other end of the meet is late. We are nervous about this meet. For some reason, we do not wish to be seen. We converse with our counterparts. At some point the man says something which he should not know, or should not have said the way he said it. His statement produces a short thought voyage to his guilt as a betrayer. His right-hand man is a giant hillbilly looking fellow in overalls and a flannel shirt. His beard is wavy, course and colored lackluster brown.
The man pushes against the fellow I accompany and leaps back. But my friend grabs him and they struggle in a shirt pulling, chest shoving match. The giant wild man turns and begins to run toward their truck, a beat-up foreign job. An image of his thoughts enters my mind. I see two guns, a pistol and a rifle with a wooden stock, hidden behind the seat in the cab. Once again, a wave of fear passes over me and I cannot take action. I watch him run four or five steps. As he turns to look back over his cantaloupe-sized shoulder, I feel the icy cold sensation on the top of my head. I realize I am going to win. I see that these men are liars and betrayers and cannot win. I know we are righteous and have done nothing but what we promised. This knowledge is absolute and unequivocal.
My body returns to submission to my control. I run after him. I quickly gain the lost ground and leap on him. We fall to the ground and I climb up on him and deliver repeated blows until he submits. Despite what I feared, he fears me and is unable to fight me.

So, there were three dreams. The first came in September. The second and third dreams followed after a month, in October. They both came in one week. Then, I thought, "This event is due. I will have to fight."


I owned a small deli in West Philadelphia. My usual custom was to allow an employee to close the shop. Occasionally, I walked the seven blocks from 46th and Kingsessing. On this night, I took Mikki, our wise old dog with me.

I closed the shop and grabbed a case of Alpo. I leaned the case against my chest and held the shrink-wrapped case of cans by placing my arms across the front and holding beneath the lower edge.

I walked down 45th Street to Baltimore and then up the hill, following the trolley tracks. I looked up and saw a young man at the corner, at the top of the hill. I thought, "He's out robbing and stealing."

Mikki ran ahead and began to cross Baltimore Avenue, down 46th Street. I saw headlights come over the crest of the hill.

Just then, the young man whistled very loudly. Mikki turned and trotted back toward the whistle as the car passed, honking once and speeding down the hill, passing me. Then, I thought, "Oh, I misjudged this young man. Perhaps he is not so bad after all."

When I reached the corner, I thanked him. He began asking about the dog. I told him I found the dog several years previous. He says he once had a dog just like Mikki, but he ran away- several years ago. Now, I began to think, "This guy is going to say the dog is his. Then, he will say I can keep the dog for fifty bucks." This was a scam that I heard reported a few times in West Philly.

We crossed Baltimore and entered the darkest block in all West Philly. There were NO lights at all on this block. In fact, the previous week, a man jumped out of bushes and called from behind me, "Hey! Come here!" Since I had carefully scanned the bushes before passing and could now not explain where he had been hidden, I said, "No." and jogged away from there.

While I am thinking about what I am going to say when he asks me for fifty dollars, the young man suddenly throws himself at me, pushing me abruptly as he throws his left arm around my back and grabs my left shoulder. He presses his right hand into my side.

"Okay. I've got a gun and I'm gonna kill you if you don't give me your wallet." I realized, that after five years of successfully ditching and outsmarting muggers, one finally got me. I laughed. "Well, you got me," I said. Then I remembered something. I laughed very hard. "Oh, but I don't have a wallet. I forgot my wallet!" I told him.

"Listen, man. I'm gonna go through your pockets, and if I find a wallet, I'm going to kill you. I'm going to shoot you dead!"

I laughed again. "Go ahead. Search through them. I have no wallet. I have no money."

He went into his speech a third time. "Alright, listen up." His confidence now seemed much stronger. I sensed a boldness in his voice. "I'm gonna go through your pockets and if I find a wallet, I'm gonna cap you with my nine!"

Suddenly, fear washed down from the top of my head. As it passed through my muscles, I kind of froze in place. My face went limp, my body became stiff. This lasted only about one second. Immediately, when I felt this, I remembered the dreams. I said to myself, "God will not hand me over."

A sense of urgency came to me. All my attention was focused in the moment. I remembered the Marine Corps counter-terrorism course I took: "In the immediate moments at the beginning of a hostage taking, the abductors are very nervous. At this time, comply with their demands. Later, they will become comfortable and make a mistake." I remembered that God promised to always provide a way out.

"Man," he said, "I'm going to go through your pockets. If I find something, I'm going to cap you. But- I'll tell you what - I'm a good guy. If I don't find anything, I'll let you punch me in my mouth." With that, he simulated a punch by raising his right hand and thrusting it toward his jaw.

I released the cans where they were. I pushed my hip into him and grabbed his belt at the small of his back. Perfectly, this would have been a judo throw from my class at San Jose State. However, just like in training, I forgot to bend my knees.

So, I just picked him up. Shocked, he grabbed onto me. I began hopping on one foot, kicking with the other to sweep his feet and complete my judo throw. Looking down, I saw some steps. I threw my shoulders down and rolled. We landed on the steps, him on bottom. I released and he released. We scrambled, and I came out on top.

He began throwing furious punches from the bottom. I leaned back and waited. A great sense of control remained with me. His punches slowed and I timed my strikes, hitting him in the bridge of the nose with my right and in the jaw with my left.

One punch landed solid. His eyes rolled around. Leaning in close to my abdomen, he grabbed around my waist and hid his face in stomach. Remembering more Marine training, I grabbed his jaw and the back of his head. I twisted his head so far, I heard the crackle of his vertebrae. His chin passed his shoulder.

"Now," I said, "I can kill you!"

After this, I never fear. I know that God prepares us for all trials in our lives.

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