Driving Backwards In Dreams

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Some things are obvious. Driving backwards is clearly a symbol of something wrong, dangerous, or contrary to desire.

This dream could refer to any aspect of your life. This writing provides tools to assess your dream.

Remember the principle previously given: The forces of good and evil behind dreams desire to communicate with you. The backward aspect is very clear. But, in what area of your life are you "moving in the wrong direction?" Ask yourself these questions:

Driving backward can mean moving in a direction which is generally known to be "wrong" or "backward" for all society.

1. Do I already know where I am "going backward"? Some examples can be: returning to a bad habit such as excess alcohol or drunkenness; drug use; suicidal thoughts (especially if you had them before); avoiding responsibility; or even an escalating conflict at home or in the work place. All these things are contrary to forward motion in life.
This should be something that is actually reverse motion. A block, such as failure to pass an exam, earn a promotion, or cross some developmental line is NOT reverse motion. Forward pressure, even without progress, is normal. Life comes in plateaus and periods of growth.

2. Am I spiritually going backward? The foundation of life is based on the spirit. Ignoring this can cause a problem. However, going backward would imply bringing bad spiritual teachings into your life. Many religions in the world are actually satanism in disguise. Consider carefully this short list: Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam actually worship satan. Dreams of going backward could indicate negative motion spiritually. Bringing dark forces into your life will begin to manifest in other areas of your life: relationships, personal, health, finance and in your PEACE.
If your dreams of going backward are also associated with a loss of peace, a spiritual problem is most likely the root cause. Stress over a major event, like death or divorce, is normal. Do not apply these in this interpretation.

3. Prayer is absent. This is the exception to the above. Failing to pray is to your spirit as failing to eat is to your body. After just three days, the effects can be felt and observed. If you do not feed your spirit the "daily bread" of communion with the Father, you are going backward! Your spiritual health is fading and weakening. Other ways to feed your spirit are reading the Bible, associating with Christians who put God (not man) first, and obeying God.

4. Eating bad food or ignoring exercise can send your physical health in reverse. Your dreams could signify a call to change your physical condition. Are there other elements in the dream to support this?

5. Mental health: Our physical and mental health are important to us. They impact our quality of life and enable or hinder our capacity to enjoy. If mental health is deteriorating, there should be some aspect in the dream which signals this. Another aspect of dreaming that could signal mental health deterioration is the presence of scattered, jumpy, or disorganized dreams. Fast, shifting, disorganized dreams can also be part of reorganizing thoughts and perceptions.

6. Personal Relationships. Consider anger. If the driving backward also involves a crash, this could represent conflict with another person. If another person is in the car with you, this does not automatically mean conflict. A co-passenger can represent someone else also going backward with you. For example, a co-worker in a failing business might appear as a passenger in a car going backward or downhill. Remember- the dream is meant to convey a message to you. It should make sense to you.

Also consider any other dreams you received in the same night. If the other dreams contain aspects of any of the above subjects, then this could indicate the area in which reverse movement is happening.

Always remember: Dreams are warnings, not absolute future events. If you don't like the outcome or action, change your behavior. Lead your life in a forward direction in all areas: personal, spiritual, financial and health. Peace.

Suggested Additional Reading: Demon Walking Backward in a Dream

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