عرض الرسائل ذات التصنيف film and politics

Indian Cinema and its Centenary at SYNOPTIQUE

Synoptique cover by Malory Beazley based on an image by flickr user lecercle. It's about time …

Two x FRAMES: 'The Political Western Beyond Cold War Frontiers' and 'Promotional Materials'

Film scholar Tim Bergfelder giving a talk which is embedded at the latest issue of Frames Today, F…

New Issue of JUMP CUT!

Frame grab from The Young Mr. Lincoln ( John Ford , 1939). See the Jump Cut dossier on Ford'…

New WORLD PICTURE on 'Left': PT Anderson, Hollis Frampton, Vincente Minnelli and much more

Screenshot from The Cobweb ( Vincente Minnelli , 1955). Read Agustín Zarzosa's article on th…

Cinemagogic Echoes? Len Lye's FREE RADICALS (1958) and Fernando Solanas and Octavio Getino's HOUR OF THE FURNACES (1968)

CINEMAGOGIC ECHOES? from Catherine Grant on Vimeo . A real-time comparison, for scholarly purpos…

Nagisa Oshima (1932-2013), a Tribute by Geoffrey Nowell-Smith

Screencap from Night and Fog in Japan / 日本の夜と霧 / Nihon no yoru to kiri ( Nagisa Oshima , 1960) F…

Corrected entry (February 12): FRAMEWORK: The Journal of Cinema and Media

'Snakes&Funerals' by Emily Jeremiah, James S. Williams and Gillian Wylde . Taking Jean…

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'! Video Studies of the Western

John Ford's Vision of the West by Matthias Stork This new video essay examines the representat…

New JUMP CUT: gender, globalization, Third Cinema, history, political activism, racial representation, cinematic form, melodrama, genre, new media, and media institutions

Frame grab from La nación clandestina/The Hidden Nation ( Jorge Sanjinés , 1989). Read a great se…

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