عرض الرسائل ذات التصنيف adapter

Expandable list and checkboxes revisited

Once upon a time I wrote a nice little post about checkbox focus problems . The guy who originally …

Progressively loading ListViews

Again I received a mail from somebody who asked for lists with forward/backward paging option. Thes…

Spinner and its data behind

I got another comment asking about Spinner and the data behind the widget. The author of the comme…

Custom adapter in color

I got a comment on this blog with relation to an old sin of mine, the custom adapter example progra…

Custom widget adapter based on XML layout

Lex from anddev.org pointed out an annoying property of my custom Weather adapter example : the vi…

Custom widget adapters

In an earlier post, I wrote about the SimpleAdapter and how SimpleAdapter allows significant flexi…

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