News Trading Results 2018

News Trading Results 2018 - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang News Trading Results 2018 !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori tutorial !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan News Trading Results 2018 ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

We are glad to be back from the long break. We have been on the sidelines following events in the market hence we stopped publishing our news trading results for a while. We begun active trading late April 2018 on a Demo Naira Account, and we will be sharing our results here inclusive of misscelaneuos trades to prove the worth of News Trading. You're welcome to join us on the road of success. Happy News Trading. See full 2016 results

NB: Other trades apart from News Trading are captured here, because they add up to the total balance on this account.

HotForex Tight Spread

April Live Statistics - Source MT4i

New*: Full Trade Statement Analysis (Chart, Symbols, Stats, Pips, Growth, Positions, e.t.c.) - Click Here

Monthly Performance Result
(Click On The Month To Display/Download Detailed Account Statement)
January FebruaryMarchApril
Capital - N30 Million
Profit - N3,894,808.11

Profit - N12,471,723.85

Profit - N12,736,742.90

Profit - N8,953,740.51

Profit - N35,716,001.10
Profit -

 KEY: A = Actual, F = Forecast, P = Previous, -r = Revised

April New Demo Test Acct - NGN30,000,000.00
Date News Item Actual Forecast Previous Result
Week 4, Apr
Apr 18, 2018CAD Interest Rate 1.25%1.25%1.25%N1,134,064.89
Apr 19, 2018UK Retail Sales53.7K-5.1K10.7K-N102,600.66
Apr 20, 2018CAD CPI m/m0.3%0.4%0.6%N959,093.02

Miscellaneous Trades

Apr 23-26Miscellaneous Trades

Apr 26, 2018EUR Int Rate0.0%0.0%0.0%N788,729.42
Apr 27, 2018US Advance GDP q/q2.3%2.2%2.9% -r-N446,062.59
Apr 27-30Miscellaneous Trades

Apr 30, 2018Miscellaneous Trades

APRIL TOTALN3,894,808.11

May 02, 2018US Interest Rate1.75%1.75%1.75%N1,870,111.50
May 03, 2018UK Services PMI52.853.551.7N19,473.37
May 04, 2018US NFP164K190K135K -r-N6,797,630.76
May 10, 2018Miscellaneuos-N2,005,173.22
May 10, 2018UK Interest Rate0.50%0.50%0.50%N10,119,723.51
May 11, 2018CAD Empl. Change1.1K17.8K32.3KN642,026.44
May 15, 2018US Core Retail Sales m/m0.3%0.5%0.4% -rN2,036,701.90
May 18, 2018CAD Core Retail Sales m/m-0.2%0.5%0.0%N2,057,381.91
May 30, 2018CAD Interest Rate1.25%1.25%1.25%N2,165,182.64
MAY TOTALN12,471,723.85

June 12, 2018US Core CPI m/m0.2%0.1%0.1%N1,061,397.92
June 13, 2018UK CPI y/y2.4%2.4%2.4%N476,595.6
June 14, 2018ECB Press Conf.DovishN1,083,671.31
June 14, 2018US Core Retail Sales m/m0.9%0.5%0.4% - rN2,170,750.7
June 14, 2018Miscellaneous TradeN183,860.59
June 21, 2018CHF SNB Press ConferenceHawkish-N1,481,077.29
June 21, 2018UK Interest Rate/Bank Vote0.50% / 3-0-60.50% / 2-0-70.50% / 2-0-7N1,992,907.41
June 22, 2018CAD CPI m/m | Core Retail Sales0.1%/-0.1%0.4%/0.5%0.3%/-0.2%N8,334,012.01
JUNE TOTALN12,736,742.90

July 4, 2018UK Services PMI55.154.054.0N1,005,550.48
July 6, 2018CAD Empl. Change31.8K22.3K-7.5K-N5,900,089.19
July 6, 2018US NFP213K195K244K -rN1,575,313.55
July 10, 2018UK GDP m/m0.3%N770,034.31
July 11, 2018CAD Interest Rate1.50%1.50%1.50%N119,099.10
July 11, 2018CAD Press ConferenceDovishN-3,089,614.19
July 12, 2018US Core CPI m/m0.2%0.2%0.2%N1,458,040.21
July 16, 2018US Core Retail Sales0.4%0.4%1.4% -r323,963.80
July 18, 2018UK CPI y/y2.4%2.6%2.4%N5,544,383.51
July 20, 2018CAD Core Retail Sales m/m1.4%0.6%-0.1%N2,567,751.46
July 26, 2018EUR Press ConferenceHawkishN1,592,862.07
July 27, 2018US Advance GDP q/q4.1%4.2%2.0% -rN1,150,120.15
July 31, 2018Canada GDP m/m0.5%0.3%0.1%N1,854,319.02
July 31, 2018Canada GDP m/m0.5%0.3%0.1%N1,854,319.02
JULY TOTALN8,953,740.51

Aug 2, 2018UK Bank Votes/Interest Rate9-0-0/0.75%7-0-2/0.75%3-0-6/0.50%N2,539,736.86
Aug 3, 2018US NFP157K191K248K -rN212,633.05
Aug 8, 2018NZD Interest Rate1.75%1.75%1.75%N2,827,046.02
Aug 10, 2018US Core CPI m/m0.2%0.2%0.2%N1,017,775.32
Aug 8, 2018Canada Empl. Change/Unem Rate54.1K/5.8%17.0K/5.9%31.8K/6.0%N2,335,922.22
Aug 17, 2018Canada CPI m/m-0.1%-0.1%0.4%N6,546,690.89
Aug 20, 2018Miscellaneous-N18,747.68
Aug 22, 2018Canada Core Retail Sales0.5%0.1%0.1%-N3,885,116.27
Aug 29, 2018UK Barnier's SpeechHawkishN22,198,424.54
Aug 30, 2018CAD GDP m/m0.0%0.1%0.5%N2,860,607.20
Aug 31, 2018Miscellaneous TradesN-918,971.05
AUGUST TOTALN35,716,001.10

NET TOTALN105,228,548.15

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Copyright: Image ID-100122522 courtesy of Renjith Krishnan /

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