Moorland One-Off Special

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On Wednesday our Moorland Visit took place with 11 participants turning up from as far afield as Selby, South Cave, Dunnington and Holderness. Highlights included a Stonechat family, more bright Lesser Redpolls than you can shake a stick at, a Green Woodpecker, Meadow Pipits, a possible Redstart, plus Dark Green Fritillaries, Small Heath, and Ringlet butterflies. Some interesting flora including Sundew, Bog Asphodel and Bog Myrtle, which smells gorgeous when lightly rubbed!
 Lesser Redpoll
There were plenty of Lesser Redpolls, which turned out to be the brightest red Lesser Redpolls we'd ever come across in the summer. They don't breed locally to us now, as far as I know, but in the 70s and early 80s their trilling, buzzing songs were one of the commonest sounds heard over our garden. I miss them more then the tuneless Sparrows! 
 Male Stonechat (c) 2017  Jane Robinson
 Juvenile Stonechat (c) 2017  Jane Robinson
 Female Stonechat
 Record shot of Stonechat in flight
 Male Stonechat
 Female Stonechat
 Immature Stonechat
Meadow Pipit (c) 2017  Jane Robinson
 Dark Green Fritillary
Dark Green Fritillary (c) 2017  Jane Robinson
 Dark Green Fritillary
 A Paler Specimen (c) 2017 Jeny Clarkson
Six-Spot Burnet Moth
Burnet Moth (c) 2017  Jane Robinson
 Small Heath (c) 2017  Jane Robinson
Small Heath Butterflies fighting in mid-air 

Bog Asphodel
Harebells (c) 2017  Jane Robinson
 Heather (c) 2017  Jane Robinson
These went through signed areas saying "all dogs must be on leads because of breeding birds".  Not a single one was on a lead, although they did appear to be kept under strict control.  However, 10 minutes later 3 stray hounds turned up running loose all over the moor at about 5 minute intervals apart.  Seems like there is one rule for some, and a different rule for the "Countryside Alliance"! 
Hounds (c) 2017  Jane Robinson
Jane went on to nearby Ellerburn Bank to see if the rumour about Fragrant orchids was correct.  She wasn't to be disappointed.  A Grey Wagtail was a big plus too!
Grey Wagtail (c) 2017 Jane Robinson
Fragrant Orchid (c) 2017 Jane Robinson

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