Take up a Hobby

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Yesterday, I thought I'd have a look at the Wassand hide during a time of the year I've never been before.  The woodland walk was very attractive with plenty of wild flowers and butterflies.  Nothing unusual or rare, but very pleasant nonetheless.  As we approached the hide the clamorous song of the Cetti's Warbler was almost deafening.  On reaching the hide it seemed very quiet on the Mere at first with just unmentionables, but a group of 10 adult Great Crested Grebes apparently marooned towards the left hand side of the hide was the largest group of this species I've seen at this particular location.  
Perhaps 10 minutes or so later I spotted a Hobby on the far side of the Mere above the reedbed.  It performed over a recently-mown field and spent some time "playing" above the mature trees running along the road on the opposite side.  Finally, two other Hobbies were seen, and eventually one came right towards the hide, but it was really too quick and erratic to take decent photos.  In the end the greatest success was obtained when the hobby had the trees opposite as a background.  Other raptors seen included a female Marsh Harrier and a Buzzard.  Overall a fairly productive afternoon.
 Record shot

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