If You Can’t Lose Weight, Try These 34 Tricks Immediately to Reset Your Fat-Burning Hormones page 1

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Women who suffer from depression, fatty liver, high cholesterol level, pre-diabetes and gall bladder problems may struggle to lose weight and stay healthy.
Unexplained weight gain has been linked to hormonal imbalances. As women grow older, they are more likely to experience this problem.

If You Can’t Lose Weight, Try These 34 Tricks Immediately to Reset Your Fat-Burning Hormones


Each hormone in our bodies is like a key which needs to turn a lock to be able to do its work. The “locks” are actually receptor sites. Various inflammations can affect the receptors and that is why some hormones may become ineffective.
Some hidden reasons why receptor sites may be ineffective include:
  • “grain drain” from wheat, rye, barley, and corn-based products, usually genetically modified, compounding the problem
  • constant exposure to xenoestrogens, substances which mimic estrogen, in our diet, environment, and our personal care products
  • meat, dairy and eggs from animals treated with growth hormones
    sugar, alcohol and caffeine intake
  • high fructose intake, from high fructose corn syrup and even from natural foods like unsweetened applesauce and tomatoes
  • stress, EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) and sleep deprivation


Making a few simple changes in your daily routine can really help maintain hormonal balance, allowing you to take charge of your weight and health.
Read on to learn about important hormones in women’s bodies that must be balanced to be healthy and feel well.


Estrogen is an especially important hormone. When it is not balanced with the related hormone progesterone, this imbalance can cause water retention, memory loss, and migraine headaches. An hormonal imbalance may also cause fat accumulation around the hips and thighs. Finally, it can accelerate the aging process.


  • Apply a topical progesterone cream can act against estrogen dominance.
  • Avoid copper-rich foods like nuts, seeds, avocados, chocolate and shellfish. Copper is proven to be closely linked with estrogen, so women who use copper IUDs or birth control pills are more likely to have problems with estrogen dominance.
  • Always wash your fruits and vegetables well to clean them from herbicides, estrogen-mimicking pesticides and fungicides.
  • Stop reheating food in plastic containers.
  • Drink water from glass or stainless steel bottles, not from plastic ones.
  • Don’t use personal care products that contain endocrine disruptors like parabens and phthalates.
  • Defeat excess estrogen by using two tablespoons of lignin-rich toasted cold milled flax seeds every day. Sprinkle it on your food or put it in your smoothies.
  • Season soup, stew, chili or other bean dishes with 2-3 cardamom seeds. Cardamom has an amazing ability to cleanse and detoxify the liver, which is crucial for hormone balancing.
  • Control the estrogen metabolism by supplementing with DIM (diindolylmethane). Take 100 mg two times a day with meals.


When we consume excessive amounts of alcohol, sugar, and caffeine, our insulin levels may rise. Unhealthy meals and high levels of fat intake can also increase blood sugar levels, overloading receptor sites and accelerating the accumulation of fat.
Insulin resistance occurs when the receptors are blocked, causing high blood sugar levels and high triglycerides, too.
If you have problems with weight gain, intense and frequent hunger, lacking focus or motivation, problems with concentration, anxious feelings, or fatigue, then it is time to clean up your insulin receptor sites.


  • Drink a glass of water with one teaspoon of raw apple cider vinegar during every meal. The acidity of ACV slows down the digestion of carbohydrates, potentially lowering blood sugar levels up to 30%!
  • First thing in the morning, drink hot lemon water instead of a cup of coffee. Drinking coffee while fasting is associated with increased insulin levels and decreased insulin sensitivity, according to the The American Diabetes
  • Association.
  • Chromium is an important mineral for blood sugar regulation, but is usually deficient in our diet. The UNI KEY
  • Weight Loss Formula contains 400 mg of chromium, helping insulin to work quickly and more efficiently.
  • Use stevia instead of sugar in drinks, smoothies, and baking. Stevia is a naturally sweet-tasting herb that does not cause increased blood sugar level.
  • Add cinnamon, cloves, bay leaves, and coriander to your meals, all of which can metabolize sugar.


The hormone of satiety is known as leptin. If you feel hungry soon after you have consumed your meal, then you probably have clogged leptin receptors. The problem is worsened if you consume high amounts of fructose instead of healthy fats.


  • To solve the problem, you need to avoid food rich in fructose because it stimulates the appetite, including processed food and drinks. Less dangerous options are agave syrup, tomatoes and unsweetened apple sauce.
  • Consume protein within 30 minutes after waking up. Drink a plant-based protein smoothie, as it is scientifically proven to clean leptin receptors.
  • Reactivate leptin receptor sensitivity by consuming omega fatty acids 3, 6, and 9. Black currant seed oil is rich in all of these essential fats that boost the metabolism, fight inflammation, and make your hair, skin, and fingernails shiny.


The hormone cortisol is activated by stress, sleep deprivation and EMF exposure. Just a single night of improper sleep can raise cortisol levels by 45%! A stressful situation at work is enough to overload cortisol receptors in just a few minutes. Often, use of wireless devices also triggers excessive cortisol production, with the creation of over 20 heat-shock proteins. Excessive cortisol levels are linked with fat accumulation around the midsection, low immunity, tissue destruction, salt and sugar cravings, and inflammation.
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