Media Production Filming Tools for Checkout

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Several years ago (ahem, a couple decades ago), I had to record myself teaching in order to complete an assignment for a college class. My professor asked us to reflect on our teaching as we watched what was captured by the video camera. I didn’t have my own video camera, but the school in which I worked had one that my cooperating teacher used to film me working with students for an hour. The camera was similar to this and my teacher followed me around the room the entire time so the microphone would capture our interactions.

image of an RCA VHS Video camera
Note: Media Production does not have a video camera this old for checkout.

While watching the interactions between me and my students that evening (by myself, because I didn’t want anyone else to see the tape!), after I got over the discomfort of watching myself, I really was able to reflect on how the lesson went. There were student behaviors I missed while focusing on other kids and I wrote about how I could improve my next lesson. I turned in the write up to my professor and never watched the tape again.

Well, technically, I couldn’t watch the tape again because I used it to record episodes of Northern Exposure.

Since then, I’ve gained a lot of confidence in my teaching ability, but I know I still have a lot to learn. And while it’s wonderful to have a colleague in the room to observe and provide feedback, reviewing video of the time spent with students can be an amazingly valuable part of the reflection process.

If you are interested in filming for self-reflection, Media Production can help! You can hook up your cell phone or tablet to a SWIVL robot and record your interactions with students. It’s easy to set up and much less intrusive than having a colleague follow you all over the room.


This isn’t the only video tool you can check out through Media Production. We also have Caddie Buddies, one for a phone and one for a tablet. These allow you to easily and safely carry a phone or tablet around as a recording device. They can also be secured to a tripod (also available for checkout).

Are you interested in checking out equipment? Please email Tammy Myslivy, or call her at x45012.
Media Production is located in the Student Achievement Resource Center (SARC) at 14188 E. Briarwood Ave, Centennial, 80112, behind the Centennial Medical Plaza on Arapahoe Road. Our office is open to staff and parent volunteers working on classroom projects Monday through Friday, 8:00 to 4:30.

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