Holiday Waxwings

Holiday Waxwings - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Holiday Waxwings !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Holiday Waxwings ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Of course the long-expected Waxwings didn't arrive in these parts before the end of the Autumn term.  However, I set up an email group for those who wanted to try and look for them before the Winter sessions commence on 10th of January.

Waxwings arrived shortly after Boxing Day, and I set off shortly early to find 20 birdwatchers, and several photographers already on the busy road between the 2 supermarkets.  However, I parked in the down-market supermarket, as I suspected the views may have been better on the trees.

I found that the early morning sunshine was particularly effective in obtaining excellent results of the photogenic birds on yellow Rowan berries.
Adult Male Waxwing
 Waxwing (underside)

 Waxwing (underside)
 Male Waxwing
 Male Waxwing
 Female Waxwing (left)
 Adult Male Waxwing
 The Waxwing Flock
 First-winter Male Waxwing
 The birds fill their crop and invariably carry off another in their bill

 Female Waxwing
 Female Waxwing
 On the alert

Several of my students also went to see the birds, and I present them here in the order that they were sent to me.

Waxwings (c) 2017 Jane Robinson
 Waxwing (c) 2017 Dick Watson
 Close-up (c) 2017 Dick Watson
 Adult Male Waxwing (c) 2017 Margaret Richardson
 Waxwings (c) 2017 Margaret Richardson
Male Waxwing (c) 2017 Dave Hill
 Female Waxwing (c) 2017 Dave Hill

 Back to my photos again, and two interlopers, the former of which attempted to frighten off the Waxwings
Male Blackbird
 Song Thrush

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