"How I Learned To......." Blog Series Begins Monday

"How I Learned To......." Blog Series Begins Monday - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang "How I Learned To......." Blog Series Begins Monday !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori Expert Advice !! News and Notes !! Staff Spotlight !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan "How I Learned To......." Blog Series Begins Monday ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Here at the Walden University Writing Center, we're embracing the spirit of this time of renewal as we turn over the final page in our calendars and welcome a new and exciting year into our lives. In the coming weeks on this blog, we will share some of our stories about times when we learned things about writing and ourselves.

Cool looking glasses upon a closed laptop with the words "How I Learned" overtop.

We hope these stories will inspire you to keep working hard at developing your academic writing skills. As we work with students here in the Writing Center, we see the struggles and challenges that accompany the process of learning to write at a scholarly level. Even when it feels most hopeless, we encourage our students to keep working, keep practicing, and keep their eyes on the broader goal.

So, Dear Reader, if you are ever feeling like your writing will never improve, we hope these narratives from our Writing Center Instructors and Editors will show you that there is hope. Even the most highly-trained writing experts had to work hard to achieve the skills and knowledge that they currently possess. 

Take heart! And please enjoy our stories. If you would like to share your "How I Learned...." story about your writing journey, please send an email to WritingSupport@waldenu.edu. We'll reach out to you and you might be featured on this blog! 

The Walden University Writing Center
 is comprised of a talented staff of Writing Instructors and Dissertation Editors who have years of experience working with students. The staff comes from a diverse background of academic disciplines, professional writing experiences, and personal journeys. The bond that connects them is a passion for communicative expression and the desire to see Walden students succeed at their mission to create positive social change. 

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