Get a glimpse of Wear 2.0’s upcoming standalone apps

Get a glimpse of Wear 2.0’s upcoming standalone apps - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Get a glimpse of Wear 2.0’s upcoming standalone apps !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori ‘Google Play !! Android Wear !! AndroidWear !! Featured !! Google Play !! wear !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Get a glimpse of Wear 2.0’s upcoming standalone apps ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Kacey Fahey, Marketing Programs Manager, Google Play

The upcoming Android Wear 2.0 experience will introduce standalone apps, expanding your potential reach to both Android and iOS audiences with Wear devices. Users will be able to search, install, and use apps without ever leaving their device. See how other developers are enhancing their user experience with standalone apps for messaging, travel & local, and health & fitness.


Having a watch app further simplifies video messaging with href="">Glide.
Using the Wear href="">Complications
API, Glide is now able to live broadcast directly from the watch face. By
tapping contact shortcuts from the watch face, you can now launch directly into
a conversation. This experience brings speed and intimacy to the world of
messaging, making wrist-based communication more accessible and effortless.


Travelers around the world use href="">Foursquare's
Android Wear app to discover hidden gems and be in the know about the best
places to eat, drink and explore. With their upcoming 2.0 app, the team has a
clean new canvas for rich notifications giving users an immersive experience
with Foursquare content.

"The standalone nature of the Android Wear 2.0 app will offer a big boost in
search performance and app responsiveness so you spend less time staring at the
screen and more time exploring the world around you,"
said Kyle Fowler,
Software Engineer at Foursquare.


helps users make better food choices, improve their exercise, and reach health
goals. The upcoming 2.0 experience complements the existing Lifesum mobile app
and as a standalone app, it will allow users to more easily track water and
meals throughout the day.

"It's all about increasing access and being there for the user in a quick
and simple way. We believe a simplified way of tracking meals and water will
make it easier for our users on their journey of becoming healthier and
said Joakim Hammer, Android Developer at Lifesum

Check out for the latest builds and documentation about the recently released Android Wear Developer Preview 4.

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