FREE - 2017 New Year Goal Foldable

FREE - 2017 New Year Goal Foldable - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang FREE - 2017 New Year Goal Foldable !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori Downloads !! Foldable !! Holiday Ideas !! New Year !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan FREE - 2017 New Year Goal Foldable ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

I made one of these foldables years ago when I was in the classroom and thought I would give it another try.

Normally under the last flap it reads "list the titles of X amount of books you will read this year" but I thought that would be difficult for children who aren't sitting around with a list of book titles they are dying to read. So instead I used the "7" to indicate the amount of months left before school starts in August. Under that flap I am encouraging students to set a goal of reading one chapter book a month. Of course I would love for students to read more then that but I thought it was a "doable" goal, particularly for the reluctant readers.

I uploaded the foldable to the ClassFlow Marketplace. If you aren't a member you will need to make a free account.

The foldable packet comes with two different layouts. One is better for three hole punching and keeping in a binder. The other is better if you plan to hang the foldables in the hallway.

I also modified the foldable slightly for younger grade levels (grades 1-2) so there are two different grade ranges in the packet.

The foldable is EDITABLE in case you want to modify anything. The instructions on how to edit it from a PDF is included in the instructions.

Enjoy! (and Happy New Year)

Demikian info FREE - 2017 New Year Goal Foldable, Semoga dengan adanya postingan ini, Anda sudah benar benar menemukan informasi yang memang sedang anda butuhkan saat ini. Bagikan informasi FREE - 2017 New Year Goal Foldable ini untuk orang orang terdekat anda, Bagikan infonya melalui fasilitas layanan Share Facebook maupun Twitter yang tersedia di situs ini.

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