All Change for Friday

All Change for Friday - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang All Change for Friday !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan All Change for Friday ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

 All the other groups went to a Holderness location last week, but the Friday classes went to a favourite Humber location instead.  The morning started well with Bearded Tits right next to the path, lining up ready to go down to the grit!  
Bearded Tit (male)
 Male Bearded Tit (c) 2016 Jane Robinson
 "Reed Pheasant" Taking Off!
There was still quite a good selection of waders seems from the main hide, but numbers of Avocet, Black-tailed Godwit, Spotted Redshank and Dunlin had all declined, whilst Ruff and Greenshank had disappeared completely!
Avocets in Flight
 Ditto with Black-tailed Godwit
 Avocets Landing
 Footprints of Mink?
Golden Plover
 Golden Plover (c) 2016 Jane Robinson
 Lapwing in Flight
 Snipe Striding Out!
 Spotted Redshank
 Sparrowhawk with Headlights On!
 Sparrowhawk (c) Mike Woods
 Drake Teal
 Female Teal (c) 2016 Jane Robinson
 Teal [left] & Something we don't mention! (c) 2016 Jane Robinson
 Curlew (c) 2016 Mike Woods
 Pink-footed Geese
In the morning as we walked towards the raised hide a small brown job flew very low in front of us before disappearing in a willow.  At a brief glance this appeared to be a Dunnock, but ion the afternoon a Twite was in the same place.  This looked rather plain at the time, but Mike remained at the end of the session and then the bird appeared to have a pinkish wash.   
Twite as we first saw it (c) 2016 Mike Woods
 Female Stonechat (c) 2016 Mike Woods
 Mike also sent some of his photos taken in the Ossett area.  These include a Goldcrest on the washing-line, which also sat on the window still.  Was it looking for food, or attacking its own reflection?
All these photos (c) 2016 Mike Woods
 Grey Wagtail
 Buzzard [dark phase]
 Egyptian Goose

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