DRAMA REVIEW: W, Uncontrollably Fond and Doctors

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  “Ends are not bad things, they just mean that something else is about to begin. And there are many things that don't really end, anyway, they just begin again in a new way. Ends are not bad and many ends aren't really an ending; some things are never-ending.”  - C. JoyBell C.

Hello to all who are suffering from SEPANX(separation anxiety) here! Ending a Kseries is definitely saddening, especially if you're already used to anticipate every week for episode updates. But I believe that there's always good in endings.

(Note: If you haven't watch the said Korean series, I prefer if you read this blog post first: http://estherschoice.blogspot.com/2016/07/most-awaited-korean-dramas-second-half.html, before reading this article.)

1. Doctors
Last August 23, 2016, "Doctors", which was aired on SBS, just ended.
Episodes: 20 episodes
Genre: Romance, Medical
Weighted Rating(conducted by AGB Nielsen): Seoul (20.61%)/Nationwide (18.405%)
Highest Rating: 23.1% (episode 15)
Lowest Rating: 14.7% (episode 1)

How will you describe "Doctors"?
First of all, "Doctors" is about a girl named Hye sun, who even doesn't dream of being a doctor and yet persevered to be a doctor to seek revenge towards the doctor whom she presumed as the killer of her grandmother.

"Doctors" also literally mean the "life of doctors". It shows the real-life work of every doctor, how they face every operation and their sacrifices just to give the best service to every patient.

and lastly "Doctors" taught me that we must not just focus on healing physical illness instead we must also learn to heal emotional illness (anger, hatred, greediness and the likes). 

What scene/s do you like the  most?

Most exciting part : Every time the doctors were in operation. Every time the patients were in crucial situation yet the doctors handled them well.

Most dramatic part: (Episodes 1-3) As I've said to my last post. The first two episodes do really made me cry. Tragedies on Hye Sung's life kept on coming plus her grandma's death was really heart breaking.

Funny Scene: Every time Pa-ran and In-joo came to Yoon-do's house.

Yoon-do felt like he is a visitor in his own house.

He even called his own uncle and In-joo as "BEAGLES".

What makes it unique?  

 I guess, what makes it unique is Hye sun's bravery and fighting skills. Girl power!

It even makes Yoon-do fall for her.

She do have a strong personality, and that makes her stand out from everyone. Despite of all the hardships and tragedies, she never gives up and used it as her motivation to do better and make her dreams come true.

Best guest appearance:
Nam goong-min (Episode 13-15)

  Nam goong-min's cameo appearance as a single father of two children (who both have special condition), was definitely remarkable especially on every parents and children out there. His character showed us how far a father would sacrifice just to save his loving children.

Lee Sang Yeob ( Episodes 15,16, 18,20)
Lee sang-yeob's character as Kim woo-jin, also reminded us to show and tell our loved ones how much we love them while there's still alive.

Moral of the story:
We cannot hide the fact that during our lifetime, there will be a scenario wherein someone might hurt us and do something against us. I know that forgiving people like them is not that easy, it was like eating our pride. But as you think about it, the person who doesn't know how to forgive is the real loser. Why? Because that person just keep on holding on to the past, and unknowingly it might led him/her to ignore the beauty of present and might as well the future.

Personal Rating:
 Casts performance (Intensity & Creativity)- 4/5
 Originality/Creativity of the story - 4/5
 Entertainment(was there dull moments/scenes, the twist in the story) - 3/5
 Overall: 3.67
Other casts:

 2.Uncontrollably Fond

Last September 8, 2016, "Uncontrollably Fond"(KBS) just ended.
Episodes: 20 episodes
Genre: Melodrama, Romance
Weighted Rating(conducted by AGB Nielsen) Seoul(10.08%) Nationwide (9.41%)
Highest Rating: 14 % (Episode 5)
Lowest Rating: 7.6% (Episode 19)

How will you describe "Uncontrollably Fond"?

"If you only have 3 months left to live, how will you spend it? Will you spend it enjoying the leisure of the world or will you dedicate the said time helping and fighting for justice for the person you love? What if the person who did wrong is your beloved father? Are you strong enough to see him inside the cell? How far will you sacrifice for love?"

"Uncontrollable Fond" is a Korean series that is full of emotion. Watching this requires inner(emotional) strength. The life of the lead characters was miserable because of the unresolved past. The fight for justice is one of the main issues.

It's title -"Uncontrollable Fond", suit the story very well. It definitely showed each character's uncontrollable fondness towards the person they love. It demonstrates the sacrifices they're willing to do just for the benefit of their loved ones.

What scene/s do you like the most? 

Most dramatic parts: When Joon-young throws a birthday party for Jung-shik..and everybody is wearing a sunglasses to hide that they're crying. (This was during the last days of Joon-Young)

When Ji--tae visited Joon-young during the time that Joon-young wasn't able to remember things about himself.

When Joon-young wasn't able to recognize even his own mother.

And lastly, Joon-young's peaceful dying scene.

What makes it unique?
 The OST!!! I like them a lot. The song choice do really intensify the emotions and feelings of the characters.

New Empire: A Little Braver

Wendy & Seul Gi: Don't Push

Favorite Supporting casts:  

I'm rooting for No Jik and Ha-roo tandemn.

This two young actor and actress do really have that great chemistry. Looking forward to see more of them.

Moral of the story: 
* Avoid greediness, it might hurt other people and at worst even your own family.
* We people...will all die, it's part of human nature BUT how do you think will you be remembered? What kind legacy will you leave in this world?

Personal Rating:
 Casts Performance-4.5/5
 Overall: 3.83

Last September 14, 2016, "W", which was aired on MBC, just ended.
Episodes: 16 episodes
Genre: Supernatural Suspense Drama, Romance, Comedy
Weighted Rating(conducted by AGB Nielsen) 12.69%(Seoul) 11.63%(Nationwide)
Highest Rating: 15% (Episode 3)
Lowest Rating: 9.8% (Episode 16)

How will you describe "W"?
"W" is such a crazy story. If you're a "suspense-fantasy" fanatic, this one is for you. Every episode seems like a roller coaster ride that no one knows how it'll end. I think all the genres is can be seen on this series (Suspense, Fantasy, Comedy, Drama)

"W" is also the name of the project that Kang-Chul started, to figure out the real criminal upon his family's death. 
What scene/s do you like the most?

Sweet Scenes: I do really commend Kang-Chul and Yeon-joo's tandemn.

 Most painful scene: When Kang-Chul wasn't able to recognize and remember Yeon-Joo

Yeon-Joo and Kang-chul also wasn't able to take a picture together that's why Yeon-Joo cut out from manhwa all the moments she cherished the most with Kang-chul.

What makes it unique?
 The story line itself makes it unique. Have you ever wondered that one day your favorite manhwa character will come out to the real world? Just the thoughts of it is CRAZY, but this series definitely blew it.

PLUS: Kang-chul's fashion sense is undeniably great and noticeable!

Best Villain character:

The killer(no face) which then used Oh Seong-mo's face

 Moral of the story: 
No matter how cruel the world is, the good will always win over the evil.

Personal Rating:
 Casts Performance- 5/5
 Originality/Creativity- 5/5
 Entertainment- 4.5/5
 Overall: 4.83
What can you say about the said dramas? What drama do you like the most? Who among the lead actors and actresses do you think deserves the best actor and best actress award? 

Feel free to comment down below. For any questions and suggestions just comment them down below. Also don't forget to click the "Join this site" button on the upper right part of the blog (below the Profile section) for blog post updates.
I hope that you guys enjoy reading this post, til next time. Thank you!

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