Bits & Pieces from the Past Week

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Sedge Warbler
Last week the weather was quite changeable after the very nice Tuesday.  On that day we ventured to an insect site outside East Yorkshire.   I think it's technically in North Yorkshire, but it felt like West Yorkshire.  It's a beautiful, peaceful place, but sadly badly let down by inconsiderate dog owners who allow their pooches to mess all over the place.  You have to watch where you put your feet very carefully, and sometimes the stench is simply foul.  If only they bagged it up this place could be outstanding.
Chimney Sweeper 
 Male Banded Demoiselle
 Female Banded Demoiselle
 Washed-out Bee Orchid
 Soldier Beetle - Cantharis rustica  [ID Barry Warrington]
 Cardinal Beetle
 Red Admiral
 Robin's Pin-Cushion
 Yellow Shell Moth [ID Barry Warrington]
 Speckled Wood
 Tiger Beetle
 Umbellifer sp.
 White Bryony
 Bronze Blow-Fly
 Unidentified Flower
On Wednesday we went to the "Great White Cape" - photos already included last week.  On Thursday we travelled to a lowland heath we hadn't visited for at least 3 years.  We walked to the entrance and were standing for a moment taking in the unusual landscape when an extraordinary sound emanated from just above our heads.  Shortly afterwards it was possible to see in a gap in the tree canopy a pair of Cranes flying north.  We trudged for another 3.5 miles, but no event matched this tremendous sound.  The family of young Stonechats ran it a close second.
Immature Stonechat
 Tiger Beetle
 Water Scorpion [ID Barry Warrington]
 Small Copper
 Brown Silver-line Moth [ID Barry Warrington]
On Friday we had a terrible forecast, so we switched to Tophill Low.  It was a very grey day, but we did see about 50 species.  Many on the Friday morning session enjoyed their best ever views of both Sedge and Reed Warblers.   
Little Egret
 Pied Wagtails
 Red-Crested Pochard & Duckling
 Sedge Warbler
 Reed Warbler
 Green Sandpiper
 Bee Orchid
 Marsh Tit
 Silver-Ground Carpet Moth [ID Barry Warrington]
 Carp Egg laying?
In the drizzle on Saturday morning we had a birdsong walk via The Robert Fuller Gallery.  We had an immature Great Spotted Woodpecker almost as soon as we left the cars.  There were birds singing, but we couldn't linger long in one place because the wood was absolutely heaving with mosquitos.  The only really decent photo opportunities came with a Hare, and the view across the field, which didn't decide to get up and move!
Immature Great Spotted Woodpecker
 View across the Field from the Wood

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