Tuesday Tech Tip: RealtimeBoard = Real Awesome!

Tuesday Tech Tip: RealtimeBoard = Real Awesome! - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Tuesday Tech Tip: RealtimeBoard = Real Awesome! !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori "Tuesday Tech Tip" !! CCSDTech !! collaboration !! Realtime Board !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Tuesday Tech Tip: RealtimeBoard = Real Awesome! ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

RealtimeBoard is not a new app here on our blog, but since it has had so many helpful updates since the last post (Dec. 2014) it’s worth sharing again as we continue to look at collaboration in the classroom and beyond the classroom walls.

What is it?
RealtimeBoard is an online collaborative whiteboard space that can be saved, edited, and shared. Students can work together on a project/brainstorm/design by adding pictures, videos, drawings, notes, comments, stickers and more at any time from any computer. Instead of giving each group a limited amount of whiteboard or poster space to do their work, why not give them UNLIMITED whiteboard space?! Check out the presentation below for some ideas on how to use it in the classroom.

Awesome features
1) RealtimeBoard can connect with your Google Drive so sharing files is as simple as adding any other type of file for the rest of the group to see.
2) Announcements and notification can happen with @mentions in the comments or chat feature with other collaborators. Never miss an update and get your questions answered!
3) Boards can be shared with a link (or attached/uploaded into Schoology)
4) Tags can help organize stickie notes and other elements on the board for quick organization
5) Lots of pre-made templates to choose from, or students/teachers can start building from scratch!
6) Frames (their version of slides) allow creators to create a presentation for viewers that highlights different areas of the board rather than sharing the whole thing with limited navigation control. (A lot like how Prezi works, if that is a tool you're familiar with.)

What now?
Ready to get started with an educator account? Click HERE! The educator account includes all the premium features and unlimited collaborators.

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