Bato Springs Resort

Bato Springs Resort - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Bato Springs Resort !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori bato springs resort !! batospringsresort !! filipina !! freshblogger !! laguna !! nature !! philippines !! photography !! starter !! tourism !! travel !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Bato Springs Resort ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Location map of Bato Springs Resort

Bato Springs Resort is located at San Pablo, Laguna. It is already been in its 30th year and known for its natural spring and waterfalls. According to them the water that flows throughout the resort comes from Mt. Cristobal and Mt. Banahaw. 

Admission Fee:
P70.00 to P80.00 (day), P125.00 (overnight)
Room Price Range:
P1,300 to P7,500.00
other features:
Pavilion, KTV

I've been into different resorts in the Philippines but this one is the PRIMO! especially if you're into nature, photography and the likes. I've enjoyed the beauty of nature. They have pools and springs at the same time, unlike other resorts. It was like hitting two birds at the same time with affordable price.

We arrived around 9pm-Friday and at that time all the rooms were already reserved. So we just stayed in the cottage, which is kind of negative for "overnighters" because there will be no bed and even a private/safe place for all the personal belongings.

For those who have sensitive skin, you should also put mosquito repellent because mosquito is a sure thing.

But above all the negatives, I can say that one of the best experience that I can share is when were still on the pool at around 2 in the morning. It was really indescribable! "Swimming under the moon" was the BEST!

We just swim and share stories while SHIVERING (because I tell you the water was SO COLD). It was like bathing using your Iced drink

Since we arrived late at night, another unfavorable experience is we are not able to appreciate the scenery because its already dark. We have to wait til morning to take photos and roam around the area, but everything is definitely worth the wait. Here are other photos that I personally take:

Man-made water falls beside the swimming pool


Private Rooms

Shower Rooms for men(something to associate to bikini bottom)hahaha

My dad posing like a PRO

Almost paradise
To sum up this blog: I will definitely go back! I also want you guys to experience and see yourself what I'm talking about. Places like this makes me more "proud Filipina." Before visiting places outside our country, please take time to roam around the Philippines first. God blesses us with this beautiful creation and let's make time to visit places like this and share this with others. God bless! the way here's a picture of my mom from afar
God bless..til my next post! BYE!

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