NO BAKE APPLE PIE PROTEIN BARS (PALEO, VEGAN, GLUTEN FREE) - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang NO BAKE APPLE PIE PROTEIN BARS (PALEO, VEGAN, GLUTEN FREE) !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori food !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan NO BAKE APPLE PIE PROTEIN BARS (PALEO, VEGAN, GLUTEN FREE) ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Just ten minutes is needed to make these delicious no bake protein bars which taste like an apple pie dessert bar, but so much healthier! These bars are refined sugar-free, gluten free, vegan, dairy free and have a tested paleo option too! Much better than store bought and easy to make!
Mmmm, it’s dessert time!”- Next to it, there is a picture of a deep dish brownie.
“Saturday night date night perfection!”- Next to it, there is a picture of a sundae with chocolate sauce and crushed peanuts.
“A hard day of the office but this is my savior!”- Next to it, there is a picture of a pint of Ben and Jerry’s.
I often log onto Facebook, Instagram or even twitter and see some remarks which make me glow like a question humanity. Okay, that might be pushing it, but really?
“Mmmm, it’s my daily sweet treat!”- Next to it, there is a picture of a dessert flavored protein bar.
“Saturday weekly cheat ice cream tradition!”- Next to it, there is a picture of that low calorie, high protein ice cream.
“My weekly cheat dessert!” – A warmed up protein brownie with some icing which is made of protein powder and lies.
There could be a myriad of reasons as to why certain individuals would consider the latter three examples of ‘cheat’ or ‘treat’ meals but I don’t want to speculate or assume the reasoning for it. Speaking from experience, I know myself well enough to be able to distinguish what a dessert is (healthy or not so healthy) and what is most definitely just a snack or something artificial posing as dessert.

It’s no secret that I share healthy recipes like protein brownies or protein bars which taste like cookies and cream dessert bars on here. However, I ensure to stipulate that they are NOT authentic brownies or dessert bars which are to savored for a weekly treat or dessert tradition. That would be ridiculous.

I made these healthy No-Bake Apple Pie protein bars with that in mind- I wanted to make a sweet ‘dessert’ like tasting recipe but under no guise that they are dessert. Personally, I love having snacks EVERY DAY which make me feel good but also taste like dessert. My intention was to eat these no-bake apple pie protein bars during the week as snacks and at night for dessert- The real deal with extra cream.
OH yes.

These healthy No-Bake Apple Pie Protein Bars taste like a dessert you can eat daily….multiple times. Not only do they only take 10 minutes to whip up, they are a one bowl wonder which is a no-mess, no fuss kind of snack. They have a soft, chewy and doughy texture which is a common theme around here! Not only do each bar pack at a hefty protein boost, they are also naturally gluten-free, vegan, refined sugar-free and have been tested with a paleo friendly protein powder too!
Friends, I’ve mentioned on here before but PLEASE do this with your bars- They are perfectly fine at room temperature, but I j’adore (said in French to make it more authentic) these refrigerated or even better, frozen and thawed for 10 minutes- SO BLOODY GOOD.

Make these healthy No-Bake Apple Pie Protein Bars and have your cake (pie) and eat it too.
This is not cake (nor pie) but it’s an epic healthy snack to feel good about.
Healthy No Bake Apple Pie Protein Bars
Just ten minutes is needed to make these delicious no bake protein bars which taste like an apple pie dessert bar, but so much healthier! These bars are refined sugar-free, gluten free, vegan, dairy free and have a tested paleo option too! Much better than store bought and easy to make!

2 cups gluten free oat flour (For the paleo option, use 1 cup coconut flour)
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½ cup coconut flour, sifted (Can sub for almond or more oat flour)
½ cup vanilla vegan or paleo friendly protein powder
2 T granulated sweetener of choice (optional)*
1 T cinnamon
1 tsp mixed spice
1 tsp nutmeg
1/4 cup almond butter (can sub for any nut butter)
½ cup brown rice syrup (sub for maple syrup in the paleo version)
1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 T + dairy free milk of choice**

Line a large baking dish with greased paper and set aside.
In large mixing bowl, combine the flour, protein powder, granulated sweetener, cinnamon, nutmeg and mixed spice and mix well.
In a microwave-safe bowl, combine the nut butter and liquid sweetener and heat until melted. Pour the wet mixture into the dry and mix well. Add the unsweetened applesauce and mix until combined- The batter should be crumbly.
Using a spoon, add the dairy free milk of choice one spoonful at a time until a thick, firm batter is formed.
Transfer to lined baking dish and press firmly. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

* I omitted the sweetener as my vegan protein powder was sweetened
** Depending on the flour/protein powder combination, you may need more or less. I used up to 3/4 cup with the paleo version.
If your batter is too thin (brands VS homemade applesauce vary, add a dash more coconut flour until firmer).

For more please visit: THEBIGMANSWORLD.COM

Demikian info NO BAKE APPLE PIE PROTEIN BARS (PALEO, VEGAN, GLUTEN FREE), Semoga dengan adanya postingan ini, Anda sudah benar benar menemukan informasi yang memang sedang anda butuhkan saat ini. Bagikan informasi NO BAKE APPLE PIE PROTEIN BARS (PALEO, VEGAN, GLUTEN FREE) ini untuk orang orang terdekat anda, Bagikan infonya melalui fasilitas layanan Share Facebook maupun Twitter yang tersedia di situs ini.

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