Microsoft Surface Pro 4's Pen is better Than Apple Pencil

Microsoft Surface Pro 4's Pen is better Than Apple Pencil - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Microsoft Surface Pro 4's Pen is better Than Apple Pencil !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Microsoft Surface Pro 4's Pen is better Than Apple Pencil ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

During its hardware event today, Microsoft unveiled its new Surface Pro 4 and showed off it's new Surface Pen, which it claims is the best stylus to date, going up against the Apple Pencil. While it looks very similar to the Surface Pro 3 Pen, the new Surface Pen has been substantially improved over its predecessor.
Microsoft Surface Pro 4's pen has all year battery life and an eraser on the back. Not only this it has click options at the back. By clicking one time it will quickly open OneNote & by clicking twice it will capture screen Windows10Devices

The Surface Pen have five different colors and will come with interchangeable pen tips for different styles of writing and drawing. It comes with 1,024 points of pressure and is magnetized so it can be stored right in the top of your Surface Pro 4. The new stylus even comes with an eraser on the top

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