عرض المشاركات من أكتوبر, ٢٠١٥

Episode 31 - Not Necessarily Monsters

Recorded: 30 October 2015 Released: 31 October 2015 Duration: 111 minutes, 33 seconds download the …

Space Camp for Teachers

In 2009, when I was teaching fourth grade math and science, I applied for, and got, a scholarship t…

Microsoft Breaks a World Record at Imagine Coding Camps

We did it!! We broke the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ for the “Most People Trained in Computer Programmi…

Polish dev Daniel Krzyczkowski sharpens his Azure chops by building apps and games at hackathons

One of the things I like most about being a Microsoft Student Partner is the opportunities the pro…

Vegan Buckwheat Bread with Sunflower Seeds and Pear Sauce

http://schneiderchen.de | © 2015 | http://angiesrecipes.blogspot.com A simple quick bread recipe …

Oceanhorn is ready for Apple TV launch!

Precise controls for Remote and MFI Controller ! Apple launching a new device is always exciting ti…

Episode 30 - The Practical Transhumanist

Recorded: 23 October 2015 Released: 24 October 2015 Duration: 86 minutes, 20 seconds download the .…

One Page SEO yang benar

kali ini ane bahas bagian selanjutnya yaitu onpage seo... disini ane ga bahas soal optimasi konten …

Studio in a Box

I am super excited...I finally got my Studio in a Box by TouchCast. I ordered it this past summer w…

Art Project/Report Presentation Idea

I saw these outside an art room in one of the schools I visit. I thought they were super adorable. …

Clean Installation of Windows 10 on Acer Aspire

I've decided to install Windows 10 on my Acer Aspire E15, and I did it today, and I notice grea…

Mache Salad with Lentils and Figs

http://schneiderchen.de | © 2015 | http://angiesrecipes.blogspot.com A hearty meatless salad that…

Recommended Post Slider Widget for Blogger with Twitter / Facebook share button

In this post I have an awesome new gadget that can be seen Wordpress blogs is now available for Blo…

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