Dream Meaning of Finding Coins

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Dream Meaning of Finding Coins
     I had a long dream last night... Everywhere I went, I kept finding coins on the ground. This has been a long-time theme in my dreaming life. So, what is the dream meaning of finding coins and picking up coins?
The first dream I received about picking up coins has been partially fulfilled, so I can share at least one meaning.
     Sometime in the mid-90s, I dreamed a long series of dreams about my life. This was one very long dream with several scenes. In the dream, the meaning of picking up these coins –they were all dimes- was obvious. Each time I found a coin, something new entered the dream scene. It meant that some change would enter my life or else my life would suddenly take a big course change. Several of those scenes have happened.
Each time, before the change came, I actually, literally, found a coin on the ground and picked it up. Each time it was a dime. And, shortly before each incident, the dream of picking up coins returned to my mind. That is another function of dreaming all dreamers should understand. Before a dream manifests, that dream will return to your mind. You will find yourself remembering it. You will be pondering it, perhaps wondering something like, “Whatever happened to that dream? Nothing became of it.” Or, maybe you will think, “What did that dream mean?” An experienced dreamer, however, will wonder, “Is this dream about to happen? Why am I recalling it?”
     One important caveat to understand with this rule, which I call automatic precall, is that remembering a dream can also be initiated by external stimuli, not just by the spirit. For example, if you are remembering a dream about cooking, is it because you are standing in the kitchen which was in the recalled dream? Olfactory senses, tactile senses, and visual senses can also stimulate recall of a dream or of a past experience in life, or even a person. Typically, it takes at least two items from the dream to be presented together to cause the mind to recall a past person, event, or dream. That is not automatic precall. Automatic precall happens entirely independent of external stimuli. Of course, similar content can be present. But, that is not in any way a necessary factor.
     Now, we return to the dream meaning of finding coins. In the dream I had in the mid 90’s, I saw the dimes. Later, as each scene came to pass (more than half are yet unfulfilled), I precalled the dream. And, I also literally found a dime on the ground. For example, in late October of 2012, I began remembering the dream. Then, I found a dime in the parking lot of a grocery store. Two weeks later, I was on a plane flying to Ukraine. All my belongings were on a freighter crossing the oceans to Europe. 
     In that first dream, finding a dime preceded each big life change. Twice, I had to dig. But, I found a dime hidden in the earth with only a little digging.
So, this is the meaning of finding coins and picking them up. It means a life change. It means something new. Here are two more examples.
About a year before the dimes dream, I dreamed I was standing in a well-lit bar. At each end of the bar were hanging bird cages. The bars were bright metal. This was almost like gold. But, more likely it was well-polished brass. As I stood at the bar, I watched people walk up to the cages. They reached up and put their hand inside and then pulled it out. A few withdrew with nothing. Others pulled out a brass coin. Each person held the coin carefully. They turned it over a few times and carefully examined both sides before walking away.
     Some people pulled out two or even three coins. I watched this go on for a few trials. After what seemed like the right time had arrived, I walked over myself and stood near the cage. I reached up my right hand and stretched my feet to stand on my toes. I felt the bottom of the cage with my outstretched hand. It was full of coins. I grabbed and pulled my hand back out. I opened it.
     There, in my palm, were a large collection of old brass coins. There were more than a dozen of the thick coins, and they had weight. I began to examine them. The first said “Tecumseh” on one side. I picked it up with my left hand to see the reverse side. Just then, the barman finally spoke, “You know you have to live all those, right?” Before I could respond, I woke.
     In November of 2014, I dreamed another dream of finding coins. Everywhere I went, I found coins. A soda machine malfunctioned and poured out a coin-return-slot full of quarters. I knew the coins were there, in the slot. A small flat metal plate covered the slot. I could not see if I was correct. After a moment of wondering, I walked over and lifted the cover plate and poked my index finger inside. I felt the coins packed tightly in the slot. I scooped them out and filled my right pocket. Then, I found several quarters in the landscaping alongside a busy walk. I also found more coins in the soil at the end of some buildings. Everywhere I went, I found more and more coins.
     I couldn't believe nobody was looking for them there, and that I was finding so many. Some of the coins I found near the buildings were in bundles, bound around the rim with red plastic. These coins seemed mostly to be minted in 1980 (the large ones) and in 1960 (dimes).
     The last part of the dream was an interview with an ex-president when he was old. He had oxygen lines in his nostrils and walked with two tall canes. He was a Bush family member.
     He told about women reporters in the urinal rooms, because they were allowed. One woman in particular gave him trouble. "She would have followed you into the urinal stall if she could have," he said. He also complained about a man named "-steen", (-stein? Osteen?) This man had accused him of reducing the value of the dollar- by design. The ex-president denied it.
     Another meaning of finding coins is to find something valuable. This last, third, and most recent dream is not directly about my own life. It is about finding real treasure. It is about finding people. Each of the coins is a person, a man or a woman. The mint dates are their years of birth.
     Digging in the first dream, and lifting the plate cover on the vending machine in the third dream represent having to do a little work to find something that is just out of view.

Update: The day after I had the dream of finding all the coins, I literally found a lot of money. I pulled out a book from the book case, and 1,400 UAH (almost $100 US) came out with it. In my laptop bag, I found 90 UAH. In my coat pocket, another 50. It has been a fun day!

Update (June, 2016): Last month, I found several "10" coins on the ground. I have been expecting a big change. These coins are 10 units of the local currency. I now live in Kiev, so these coins I found are 10 kopeks. I reasoned to myself, "A 10 kopek coin means the same as a US dime. There are no dimes here, so the kopek has to mean the same thing." A day or two after interpreting the kopek coins in this way, I received a 1985 Eisenhower dime in my change at a local shop. Amazing!

While I waited for the image of the dime and kopek (above) to scan, I walked to the market. En route, I found 2 more 10 kopek coins (very rare to find coins on the ground here.) Then, my market change was exactly one 10 kopek coin. 

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