Labor Day Round Up! Jean Cocteau, Opera and Film, Film-Philosophy on Cavell and Rothman and much more!

Labor Day Round Up! Jean Cocteau, Opera and Film, Film-Philosophy on Cavell and Rothman and much more! - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Labor Day Round Up! Jean Cocteau, Opera and Film, Film-Philosophy on Cavell and Rothman and much more! !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori Adrian Martin !! Alfred Hitchcock !! David Bordwell !! feminist film studies !! Jean Cocteau !! Stanley Cavell !! video essays !! William Rothman !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Labor Day Round Up! Jean Cocteau, Opera and Film, Film-Philosophy on Cavell and Rothman and much more! ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Film Studies For Free is slowly gearing up for the new academic year. Quite a few open access publications of its own (including the illustrated video conversation embedded above) are rolling off the presses at the moment - with plenty more to come in September, so please do expect further FSFF entries this month! [UPDATE! That didn't happen as a few life events got in the way, but this blog will be back very soon!].

Given all the pro bono work that goes into producing and distributing all openly accessible scholarly work, what better day to publish its latest round up than Labor Day! Thanks to all those who have published their work online in the list below and elsewhere.

  • Just out! Film-Philosophy Vol 18 (2014)
Table of Contents: Special Section on Stanley Cavell
  • A previously unpublished chapter of Adrian Martin's 2006 PhD: on Hitchcock's NOTORIOUS, at the great Danish journal 16:9.
  • MEDIA FIELDS Issue 8 Playgrounds has some great film studies items!
  • The rest of the new issue of REFRACTORY (on Intermediations: Disney, colour, Herzog, vertical framing, online videos and much more) is here: 
  • A new video essay by film scholar extraordinaire Pam Cook in which Wong Kar-wai meets David Lean: "Corridors of Desire: Brief Encounter and In the Mood for Love" (2' 11").
  • Check out the Cinema Film & Projection Heritage Network in order to share information, ideas and knowledge about this heritage:
  • PALESTINEDOCS, created by Dina Iordanova and Eva Jørholt: a new web resource on films "chronicling the life of palestinians in and outside the middle east":
  • Great video essay by Tim Klobuchar: Souls at Hazard: The Coens & Their Cops in FARGO and NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN
  • Fascinating interview about mental health and cinema at the monthly Minds on Film blog at the Royal College of Psychiatrists UK website, with Canadian filmmaker Shelagh Carter on her autobiographical film Passionflower
  • EFFACE (1:29, below) the video essay made while the one embedded at the top of this week's entry was exporting - also on Cocteau's ORPHÉE.
EFFACE from Catherine Grant on Vimeo.

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