Dream Interpretation: Reasons to be Critical - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Dream Interpretation: Reasons to be Critical !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori
canal !!
dream interpretation !!
Dutch !!
Grundel boat !!
Grundel yacht !!
parole !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Dream Interpretation: Reasons to be Critical ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->
Be Critical in Dream Interpretation
Last night, I experienced a long series of dreams about space craft and space craft travel. One of the ship models was called a “Grundel.” These grundel ships could travel through space and times. Before traveling, each ship required a careful set of coordinates called a “parole.”
This morning, I wondered if there is actually anything called a Grundel. So, I executed an Internet search and quickly learned that a type of fishing trawler in the Netherlands goes by this name. A grundel is described as “a flat bottomed yacht suitable for Dutch canals.”
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Flat-bottomed Grundel Yacht used in Danish canals. (heechbydemar.com) |
“Wow,” I thought. “It makes sense that future space craft would also carry the names of modern aquatic vessels. “ Like the craft in my dream, there were large windows, sliding openings, too.
So, this would then become like a kind of “confirmation.”
This is a very dangerous method of interpreting or of vetting a dream. First, not all dreams come from trusted sources. There are also enemies of your life, unseen spirits that want to deceive you, sending you dreams and thoughts. Those spirits are thousands of years old, even, effectively, timeless. They know all about Grundel ships in the Netherlands and French corvettes and any other specialty ship types anywhere in the world.
That fact that information, unknown to you, appeared in a dream in no way vets that dream. Demons know a lot of information. They can easily craft it into a dream.
Next, the word “parole” is the word used to mean “password” in Russian. If you want to access your Russian language email, the site will prompt you for your user name and your “parole.” However, I decided to also investigate this word to see if there might be a more relevant meaning. And, there is.
Parole: “a watchword given only to officers of the guard and of the day” (Merriam-webster.com) And, the modern word derives from the Late Latin word, parabola. A parabola and other arcs are used in calculating satellite travel around gravitational masses in space. So, interesting, is it not?
So, it is a security word only given to authorized persons. This word makes sense as a set of guarded coordinates for travel which is heavily protected (and fought over, in the dream.)
But, the only real way to interpret a dream is by the Holy Spirit. So, I prayed about this. It is something real. But, it is not "real." It might be a movie, a comic, or a short story. When I find it, I'll let you know!
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