An Evil is Coming, and Time is Running Out

An Evil is Coming, and Time is Running Out - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang An Evil is Coming, and Time is Running Out !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori End Time !! faith !! grass !! green grass !! Holy Spirit !! jesus !! Kingdom of God !! rock !! running !! Time is up !! tree !! Tribulation !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan An Evil is Coming, and Time is Running Out ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Time is up. Dream of July 17, 2014

I am with a group of people, simple people. We stand where there is grass, a tree, and a large rock.  
Then, we receive warning an enemy is coming. Something bad will happen. A being comes through the air and delivers a package. It is something deadly. People are going to die. The being is not hostile. He warns us about what is about to happen.
The people begin to walk and to run and to move about. Some in circles, some in long arches… but all mostly go nowhere. For all their frantic activity, they are pretty much where they started, near the same trees, large rock, and green grass.
One woman circles a tree. She comes about and then notices, between the tree and the large rock, a very large section of a tree trunk. It is horizontal, and partially buried. As she approaches it, a story comes into my mind. Before we ever were (all the people), another knew this would happen. This trunk was placed here to protect us from the evil being who was about to come on the scene.
The woman jumps up onto the dark brown trunk, crosses most of it, then stands in a notch near the other end.
When she steps into the notch, the trunk rises up into the air. As the woman rises up on the trunk, I realize she is my wife.
Beneath the ground, where the trunk had been, is a hidden chamber. Inside, is a white, cylindrical vehicle, with two seats. The woman climbs down and into the chamber. She seats herself in the back seat. I come down from where I had been watching and take the other seat. We rise up together. The vehicle takes us up and over the area where the large rock is situated. From here, I see what the angel brought. It is a large syringe. It seems to be as round as a large spaghetti squash, and is proportionately long. The plunger is partially pulled back. There is a clear liquid inside.
When my wife sat into the vehicle, she suddenly had on her white armor. At the joints, it was sealed with red material. It was not cloth. It was a different material. It moved with the armor and kept the joints sealed. I also spontaneously had this armor.
The being who brought it told me, “No one can defeat it.” Some of the men want to fight the evil which is coming. Because of the armor, I can’t be harmed. I tell them I will go. As the others ran, I found in my hands a chain gun, a multi-barreled, unlimited chain-fed machine gun. I took aim on the syringe and began firing. Papapapapapapapapapapapapap! The bullets flew against the syringe in a flurry of noise and lightning-fast lead. The rounds were all hitting their target- and bouncing off like m&m’s.  
“Time is running out,” said the being. Now, I could see him. On the other side of the syringe, watching both the syringe and me, he sat there, watching.
I heard him. But, I kept my finger pulled down hard upon the trigger. The roar of the spinning chain gun and the flying ammunition required me to focus my attention carefully upon the syringe.
“Perhaps I need a better angle,” I reasoned. The syringe was unphased. There was no scratch. All the firing had not left a single mark upon it, anywhere. I thought it might have moved back a small distance. I wasn’t sure. “Did the bullets shove it back? I could not be certain of it.
I circled to my right so my line of sight was directly over the plunger and down into the chamber of the syringe. I trained the stream of bullets into the belly of it. They were going in. Some hit the outside and deflected off like all the others. But, some went inside. The syringe seemed to bulge up to receive the extra volume. Then, it just deflated back to the original size, as if it just yawned out what it had taken.
“Time is almost up,” said the angel. Numbers appeared in front of the syringe. The numbers were counting down.
I never relinquished the constant assault.
“The one who sent me gave me one more thing.” I looked past the bullets and their target. I looked at the angel.
“Tell her I love her,” he said.
I looked back to the syringe. The numbers were there: 3… 2… 1.
With the words, “time is up,” I suddenly sat up, fully awake, in my bed. I replayed the dream in my mind. Then, I got up and checked the time: 4:30.
Tree: faith
Grass: God leads us to green pastures.
Tree trunk: Jesus, the branch, the root
Notch in the trunk: A place to get grafted into the root.
She is my wife: A person grafted in becomes the bride of Christ.
Rock: Jesus again
Hidden chamber: the sacred place of the most high
Vehicle, Armor: Kingdom of God, Power of God
Chain gun bullets: prayers
“Tell her I love her.” God wants you, the bride, to know that He loves you. A challenge is coming to the earth. I cannot be stopped. But, stand fast and know that God loves us.
Update: (April 15, 2017)  The event in this dream was almost certainly the shooting down of MH317. The "syringe" I watched and attempted to stop seems to have been the Russian ground to air missile launcher which shot down the passenger liner. In this context, the countdown timer makes more sense. At the time I had this dream, I had already been living in Kyiv for two years. 

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