Repent, Arab Strategy in Israel, and Invasion from Space

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I have a rule. Dreams that occur together have a common theme. This rule almost always plays out. There have been times when a series of dreams chained together seemed completely disparate. However, after everything had played out, their connection become obvious.

The longest series I ever recorded were 7 dreams in one night. Each transitioned into the next dream. Each of those dreams was part of a unique chapter in my life. They marked the transition of time through my life. The dreams were all in chronological order.

Last night, I had these three dreams:

June 7, 2014

Part 1: Repent
The dream called for a return to God. It showed a man who had turned to God three times. And, he had walked away three times. The dream showed he needed to turn back to God again. This would be his fourth time. 

Part 2: Israel Trip
A man and two women are in the airport. An Arab starts an argument. A Jewish woman, a local woman, talks the American man out of it. They walk through the airport: the American man, an American Jewish woman, and an Israeli Jewish woman.
Next, an Arab man starts a fight with the American man. It is quickly broken up. The trio walk away. Then, the American checks his right rear pocket. “My wallet is gone.” His mouth slowly opens. His face relaxes. “He stole my wallet.”
“No, we have it,” says the local Jewish woman. She opens her bag and removes some wallets. She fans them like playing cards. There are only two. “Oh. I’m wrong. I don’t have it.”
It seems the Arab man lifted it in the scuffle. 

Part 3: Alien Invasion
A man wakes early. He walks outside. He sees several craft drop straight down from the sky. They hover. He realizes this is an alien invasion. It was expected, so he is not completely surprised. But, he tries to think of a place to hide. He can’t think of one. He uses buildings to provide concealment as he runs.
Eventually, he submerges himself into a pool of water, a private pond. The pond itself is inside a private yard. But, the aliens find him there. The man expects the aliens to kill him. But, they don’t. They make him a servant.
He is put into a building and is free to move about. He finds some forks and a spoon. He also finds a wooden spatula and a hand-made wood comb. He hides these behind a water fountain. The fountain is part of the wall and custom-made with formed wood components and stainless steel.
Here, the man thinks to himself that he expected the aliens came to conquer. But, they seem to be seizing the metal and wood items. They are taking everyone’s kitchen flat ware, for example.
The servant man sees one of the aliens in a room near the fountain. The alien is speaking with a Chinese man. The alien has removed the major part of both his own skull and of the Chinese man, who is a surgeon. The alien is seated. The man stands facing him. Their faces are about a foot apart.
The alien says he can transfer knowledge brain to brain, both ways. The Chinese surgeon says it is impossible. The alien pulls out a fibrous, yellow component of the surgeon’s brain. It has a long vesicle, and ends like a feathery cloud. The alien touches this to nodes (two small openings) on the Chinese man’s brain. The alien rolls both hemispheres of the man’s brain in a caudal direction (outboard) to expose the nodes.
When the yellow feathery cloud organs touch the nodes, the Chinese man’s eyes light up. “Oh!” he says.
“Yes,” says the alien. Then, the alien shows the man where the same nodes are located on his own brain: two nodular protuberances about one-third back, and on top of his own brain. The alien’s brain is very large, and elongated. It is maybe two and a half times as long as a man’s brain.
“Those are useless. I can remove those if you want,” says the Chinese surgeon.
Without saying anything, the alien touches the Chinese man’s yellow brain parts to his two nodules. The Chinese man then sees a part of the life and the history of the alien.
Next, the alien opens the two nodules on the surgeon’s brain to a much greater diameter. He touches his own, alien, brain extensions to the Chinese man’s nodules. “Ni waa,” says the alien. “Ni waa ma.”
The Chinese man is excited. The alien is now speaking the first parts of Chinese.


1.       The quality of this dream was different from any other I’ve previously experienced. It was, somehow, as if the dream was chiseled or carved.
2.       I don’t remember precisely the words the alien said. They were Chinese.But, "ni" (like knee) was one of the words.

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