Death Cloud

Death Cloud - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Death Cloud !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori attack !! death cloud !! gas bomb !! Military !! perspectives in dreams !! poison gas !! soldiers !! traitor !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Death Cloud ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Dream from night of May 31st, 2014 (in Kiev)

A group of soldiers has been infiltrated by another group of men. However, the soldiers capture the traitors. They hold them at a small collection of buildings. All this is in a forested area. The houses are not large. All are rectangular. There is limited daylight; this is either early morning, or dusk.

The relief unit arrives to replace the first group. The commander of the first group relates everything to the relief team. "We are waiting for a call from headquarters. They and their bombs are locked inside."

The first team, less those locked inside the buildings, begins to leave. The buildings are in a low area and they are walking uphill. As the leader nears the crest of a hill, he hears the relief commander taking the call from HQ.

"Everything is under control. We have it under control."

The first commander turns back, cups his hands around the sides of his mouth and yells, "No! Tell him you need fifty men!"

The face of the relief commander screws up. "No, ignore that. We have it under control."

Louder, using his entire body, the first commander yells again, "Fifty! Tell him you need fifty men. Fiff-tee!" In the middle of this particular string of yelling, I (the dreamer) became the first commander. I yelled, " need fifty men. Fiff-tee!"

Just then, a popping noise was heard from inside one of the buildings. Blue and yellow flashes of light were visible through the crack of the door. Then, a yellow vapor oozed through cracks and crevices of the building and it's windows and door. The nearby soldiers crumpled to the ground.

I turned slightly toward a group of my own men to my right, also walking away. "Run! Run! Run!" I yelled in all directions to my men. They were spaced apart in several groups, leaving their post. After yelling, I turned and ran myself. We ran into a dense wood. We jumped over fallen saplings and wove our way around trees.
I ran alone at first. I saw two other men off to my right. They saw me, too. We altered our courses slightly so that we soon ran together. We ran and ran and ran.

Scene 2:

From a not-too-distant perspective, I saw the cloud expanding. It was largely opaque. Glittering spots of yellow were visible as were gray and black flecks. It was visible as a cloud. The edges were curved like a bubble. But, the top was a flat plane. And, it expanded at a noticeable rate in all directions. Green trees were (as could be seen) unaffected. But, small forest animals dropped from trees.

Scene 3: 

It was now bright daylight, sometime in the morning hours. The running soldiers came upon a small cabin in the woods. A man sat in a wooden rocking chair there. "Run!" one of the soldiers shouted.

"Run? Run from what?" The man asked.

We stopped. "From a cloud of death," I told him.

"I'm thirsty," the third soldier said. "Got any water?" The second soldier tossed him a 1.5 liter bottle of water, full/ It was covered in either sweat or condensation. I looked and noticed I had a half-liter bottle myself.

I looked back to the man on the porch. I said, "A cloud of death that kills everything it touches."


Note 1: An interesting aspect of this dream is the conversion of outside perspective to first-person experience. This is not uncommon. Once you have recognized this, it makes it a little easier to not misinterpret.

For example, if you or I had this dream and only recalled the part about running through the woods and seeing the death cloud and warning the man in the woods.... It is possible to misinterpret by thinking, "There is a future time in my life in which I will run for my life through the woods." 

Here are two rules I use that help prevent this misinterpretation:

1. Dream interpretation belongs to God. Private interpretation is 98% useless and sometimes creates trouble. (I have done it.) So, I always pray about an interpretation.

2. Do not allow fear to come into your life because of a dream. Dreams are warnings (or false, or the imagination.) If a dream plagues your thoughts, do this: Ask yourself, "What can I do to prevent this outcome or event?" Then, plan how to make that happen. The course of action should be beneficial to your life in both of two scenarios: one, the dream is true; and two, the dream is false. In this case, the dream required a long period of running. By morning, there were only three soldiers I saw. So, a running program would be a good solution. A bad solution would be to resign your post in the military or to take an oath to never enter the woods.

Note 2: I have previously seen dreams in which a gas was used to kill soldiers. In one of them, Iranians used it against American soldiers. Another dream seemed to take place in Eastern Europe. (This is based on concrete masonry construction, and the camouflage pattern in the uniforms.) In the E. Europe dream, the people had about 5 or 6 seconds once they recognized the effects. Their movements slowed. They became weak. Judging by the effect, the gas in the Eastern Europe dream was a nerve agent.

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