False Dream Indicator

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A False Dream Indicator

18 December 2013- Last night, I had a false dream. How did I know? Let me tell you.
First, let me remind you of the first principle every dreamer needs to understand: Not all dreams are valid. That’s right. Some dreams are lies. And, some dreams are false. Others are not yours. Here are the three sources of dreams:

  1. The Kingdom of God 
  2.  The Kingdom of Darkness
  3. Mind

Now, the dream from last night came from the second type in this list. It was a false dream from the enemy of God and the enemy of man. Next in this article is the dream. After the dream is the explanation. 

The real sidewalks are smooth curves, not mitered.
I am walking down Bridgeton Avenue in Saint James Estates. This is the road onto which my childhood home cul-de-sac abuts. As I see the familiar corner approaching, I recall how I would walk around that corner and be “home.” The entire neighborhood was home. My friend James lived near the corner. Several boys lived on the court, and we all played through all the yards and bushes. 

I begin to think about how a corner or a turn in a dream represents a change in life. But, the scene is a bit hazy. Suddenly, my thoughts shift to “This could mean I will go home to America soon.” 

Then, the entire dreamscape changes. In the new dream, I am deceiving some women. I dupe them into believing I am a breast examiner. That dream ended quickly as I woke up. 


When I woke, I began to contemplate the first dream. I realized it was false. Here are the reasons why:
1.       The feel of the dream was wrong. This does not require years or decades of experience to discern. When I first began dreaming every night- back in 1993 –I could sense that some dreams were not right. However, with experience, it begins to be more obvious which dreams are phonies. This natural discernment is innate to every dreamer, I believe.
2.  The quality of the dream was low. The hazy quality and the lack of details beyond the sidewalk are traits of false dreams. Dreams from the Kingdom of God tend to be a cut above.
3.  As I began to write this article, I recognized another issue: the corner was a standard design from Athens, Georgia. I worked for the Public Works department in Athens for a few years. The corners there have a miter. This allows for the eventuality of a street light installation, should one ever be required. But, Manteca does not do this. And, a suburb corner would never have a street lamp. So, the image was manufactured, not recollected. I also pulled up an image on Mapquest.com and verified that the corners of Heather Court, where I grew up, are actually smooth radii.
4.  The follow-up dream of licentious activity is another indicator for caution. Note that a false dream can and does sometimes follow a real dream. One false dream in a night does not automatically disqualify all the other dreams in that night. However, that is usually the case. Just be aware that the enemy does insert false dreams after true dreams.
5. (updated 6 January, 2016): More than two years have passed since this dream. I remained living in Ukraine from the time of this dream until now. This is another way you will learn to identify false dreams. When the dream fails, you will understand it was false. After many such failures, it is possible to review those dreams and look for similarities shared by false dreams. This article just listed four such similarities. Additionally, you can compare fulfilled dreams and look for shared traits among them.

In other words, discerning a false dream is a natural ability. But, experience and analysis improve your ability to exercise this discernment. Although you will sense the dream is false, it will strengthen your conviction when you can confidently point to reasons supporting your conclusion.
A few caveats:

1. False dreams can, and do, sometimes have great detail, and even powerful emotions. But, there are almost always odd details. A few things I've seen in false dreams: behavior uncharacteristic of myself (like impersonating a breast examiner!); violations of gravity; people suddenly or instantly appearing or disappearing; and claims or proclamations that contradict known truth.
2. Another way the enemy taints a real dream is to influence how it is recalled or remembered. The enemy attempts to alter the memory of the event. This does not mean forgetting of portions of dreams or even entire dreams. This means adding or changing details, roles played by people in the dream, etcetera. 

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