The Recovery of the American Economy

The Recovery of the American Economy - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang The Recovery of the American Economy !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori precognitive dream; American economic recovery; economy prophecy; God; blessing of God !! why the American economy works !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan The Recovery of the American Economy ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

A dream from the night of November 23rd to November 24th (Kiev)

I'm in a place packed with buildings. The buildings are packed with people. They are mostly blacks and browns. The buildings surround a body of water. The water seems dirty. Other than the suspended dirt, there is nothing else wrong with the water- not that I noticed.

I walk out of my building and meet a woman. I knew her in high school. But, I have not seen her in almost 25 years. Her skin was always a healthy pearly color. She is of average, healthy build. Long blonde hair tops her head and extends to her scapula.

She has one hand on her very large stomach. She is looking around, concerned. She doesn't notice me at first. Her head swivels left and right in the direction of groups of people.

"Hello!" I raise my voice a bit to get her attention. I walk over with a hand extended.

We exchange hellos and a few polite statements. "How nice to see you. You look well."

"I'm looking for my husband," she says. Even talking to me, she continues to dart her eyes toward groups emerging from the building behind me, and those appearing from around a far corner.

"I'm going to have this baby," she continues, "and he is supposed to help me. This will be our fourth."

"I'm going to help you," I tell her. "It is already very late. It is dusk and night is falling. Tonight, you will stay with me. In the morning, I will help you find him."

We walk together into my building. We lay down on the floor. Many, many people are in this building. It is walls and a dirt floor only. My heart is fully open and I feel a simple love for her. We lay down side by side. I put my left hand on her stomach, and we sleep.

In the morning, we wake at the break of daylight. She is already in labor. I look and see the head of the baby.

"Help me!" She says.

"No, my hands are not clean. We must wait until she is most of the way out."

"This is my fourth, so it will be very easy," she says. After a few minutes, the baby is completely out, and in her mother's arms.

"We need to find someone who knows how to cut the umbilical cord." I stand and walk outside. The morning air is cool and crisp. I run around the water lake. I enter buildings and ask groups of people walking, "Do you know where some nurses are?" I find one clinic. But, all the nurses are out.

I keep looking. Eventually, I find a teaching building. The nurses are here taking a seminar. I open the door and push my head in. They are watching a slide show in low light. The door opens and light hits the far wall.

"I have a baby already born. But, I need someone who can cut the umbilical cord. Most of the ladies ignore it. A few look around. One woman stands and puts her notebook on her chair. She runs to the door, and we run back to the building. This woman is brown; she may be Hispanic or light-skinned black.

When we reach the building, the nurse goes to work. At about this time, while the nurse is still working, An overweight black man comes in. He is smiling.

He sees his wife and yells to her, "I passed the interview. I got a job!" Two other men then also announce they have been hired. Eventually, a group of about eight men are standing arm in arm, jumping and celebrating loudly. They all have jobs.


The woman represents those who hold and control most of the capital in the United States: whites. She seeks her husband, who is God. Once she enters the building, the house of God, she gives birth.

Fourth: America has had to rebuild her economy three times already: after the Civil War, after WWI, and after WWII. After the Revolutionary War, America was just created, and had nothing to rebuild. She had to create an American economy. The birth is the fourth rebirth of the American economy.

Why she found me, not God. What I represent in the dream is the way I do business. Once I began to adopt Godly principles in the way I conduct my business, and to remove all relationships with false religion, my business began to grow. That is what American leadership needs: a return to Godly principles. Pay fair wages. Don't charge interest. If you have the money you owe, pay the debt before close of the day's business.

America needs to put God's way first. "Best practices" taught in business schools and MBA programs are destroying the economy.

It is not, and has never been, capitalism that is the secret of the American economy. The success of the United States has always been the blessing of God. Those who obey God and walk in the Holy Spirit are those who receive the blessing.

Overall meaning: 
There will be a night to go through. But, the economy will revive when those who control wealth manage it in a way that honors God. America must return to God. Then, there will be jobs.

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