Friendly Fire

Friendly Fire - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Friendly Fire !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori Enemy attacks backfire !! Friendly fire !! Power in the name of Jesus !! The Name of Jesus !! three dogs !! three enemies !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Friendly Fire ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Dream about Attack by Fellow Soldiers
As the dream starts, I am inside a large home. I was in a room deep inside the house. I was with a slender blonde woman. Also in the room was a man with brown hair and a brown beard. I loved both these people very, very much. And, they both loved me.
Wherever the woman went, I followed. When she walked into one room, I followed. When she got into bed, I also slipped under the blanket. We laid on opposite sides of the bed, in all our clothes, staring at each. The love was pure and wonderful. It filled me completely.
There came a friend to the door, and warned me. "One of the other soldiers is jealous of you and your love. He is planning to attack you."
I went into the hall. Several soldiers in desert camouflage uniforms were coming down the hall. They all had automatic weapons. I left, but they followed. I began to pray. The other soldiers began to fire in the dark. They only hit each other, and I made it out into the open field.
More friends came and warned me, "Here they come. He is sending more of his friends to kill you." Men came with all kinds of weapons. In wave after wave, they attacked me. I kept praying. Everything they attempted, failed. Mostly, they harmed themselves. Each time, someone warned me. Each time, it was the original jealous soldier sending them out.
Attacked by Three Dogs
In one scene, I stood atop a levee of deep brown earth. New blades of green grass grew all over it. Behind the levee, three soldiers were dug in. They had more levee walls forming a small fortification of earth. They had heavy weapons to defend their position. In the corner formed by their fighting position and the main levee, three dogs were lying in the dirt.
The jealous one knew the dogs. One was a breed illegal in the United States. But, I have seen these large-headed dogs in Afghanistan. The soldier commanded the dogs to attack me. The big headed, mangy-haired beast was closest. It stood, growling, and began immediately to climb the levee toward me.
"In the name of Jesus, be gone from here! I command you, in Jesus' name- Go from this place!" Already, the biggest dog and one of the other two were far down the road. The third, reddish in color, turned, growled, and hesitated. "Go! Leave this place and never return to here!" It turned and ran as hard and as fast as it could manage. The two leaders were already small in the distance; they ran so hard to flee from the name of Jesus.
Attacked by Three Men
In the next scene, the three men in the fighting position were ordered to attack me. “I declare,” I said, “your attacks will not succeed against me. Instead, whatever you plan to do to me, will happen to yourselves. When I said that, one turned to the other and pushed him. They began to argue and fight with each other. The first pushed the second to the ground. The third man was dumbfounded. He stood with his mouth wide open, watching.
I could hear the angry man who ordered the attacks. Throughout, every attack was ordered by this soldier.
A Woman Attacks another Follower
The next attack was a female. She also wore desert camouflage. She had a weapon which fired a long woven, metallic chord. She fired it, and hit another soldier in the back. He was far from her, but it stuck into his back. An electric charge traveled down the cable and brought him to his knees.
Two C-130’s Drop Bombs
Next, two large military aircraft, like C-130’s, came. Blue light popped out of the sides in a rainstorm of explosives. Again, these planes bombed friendly lines. Two lines of entrenched friendly soldiers, all in the same desert uniform, were covered by the bombs.
In all of this, I prayed. And, I was never harmed, and all their efforts resulted in injuries to themselves.
Finally, I saw the angry one. He appeared as Merle Dixon from the television series The Walking Dead. “She loves me. She should be with me,” he said. He pulled a short, curved sword from behind him.
I ignored him and began to walk back to the house I was in originally. In my hand, I had a large patty of ground chicken breast. I was going to cook and eat it. The men from before followed me. They shouted challenges. But, I only turned my head toward my shoulder and said, “I don’t want to fight with you. I refuse to.”
End of Dream
The day before this dream, I made a direct, simple statement to a popular online preacher. I disagreed with his stance against post-trib teachers and for the pre-trib position. His argument was simple: He knew a loving God, and if the post-tribbers knew this same love, they would never imagine that our Father could ever allow us to suffer through the Tribulation.
I responded with a reference to the 12 disciples. The point was, if 11 of the 12 died violent deaths, how are we so special to assume nothing can happen to us?
So, his argument fell flat. If God’s love is a guarantee no harm can ever befall us, then how are the violent deaths of 11 of the original 12 to be explained?
I have seen the concept of eating chicken breast meat before in a dream. It represents growth.
This dream is a warning to me: I am going to be attacked by another Christian. But, all the people he riles up to attack me are only going to harm themselves and each other. At the end, I will have more wisdom of the Kingdom (eating meat.)
The woman and the man are the Holy Spirit and Jesus. (Note: the feminine portrayal of the Holy Spirit is likely only to make it easier for me to accept the great love I have for the Holy Spirit. It does not mean the Holy Spirit is female.)

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