Showing posts from November, 2013

What my mother taught me about computer vision

“Wake up, Tomek.  Pack your bags.  We’re moving to America.”  These were the words my mother whispe…

Podcast of my Droidcon London 2013 presentation

For those who prefer the live experience to the presentation , here is the podcast of my Droidcon L…

New Issue of JUMP CUT!

Frame grab from The Young Mr. Lincoln ( John Ford , 1939). See the Jump Cut dossier on Ford'…

Friendly Fire

Dream about Attack by Fellow Soldiers As the dream starts, I am inside a large home. I was in a r…

FREE Forex Tick Download Utility - SQ Tick Data Downloader V1.1

Quality Forex data is vital to all aspects of Forex Trading with regards to Strategy Testing, Exper…

The Recovery of the American Economy

A dream from the night of November 23rd to November 24th (Kiev) I'm in a place packed with buil…

10 reasons not to use statistics as evidence

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."  - Mark Twain or Benj…

Cara Meningkatkan Pengunjung Blog

Selamat sore sob.. Postingan saya ini hasil saduran dari adsense-id, mudah -  mudahan bisa bermanfa…

Recent Rotating Post Gadget with Excerpt For Blogger

This JavaScript code will display the latest posts of any feed, the difference being that it has tw…

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