Teeth Falling Out Dreams - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Teeth Falling Out Dreams !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori
dream interpretation !!
falling teeth meaning !!
teeth falling out dream !!
teeth falling out meaning !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Teeth Falling Out Dreams ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->
When your teeth fall out in a dream, what does it mean? This is the most common dream, judging by searches on Google. More people have this dream than any other. It is no wonder, then, that my post on that topic in 2009 received too many comments- all sharing a dream and requesting the meaning.
I answered most of them. However, the post became too long, and Google penalized it for slow loading time. Once my most popular article by far, it dropped to #2, then more rapidly to #6. So, to help it recover, I have relocated the interpretation of teeth falling out dreams to this post.
If you have a dream interpretation request, please post it as a comment to this blog post, not the original "Teeth Falling Out Dream" post.
There are a lot of meanings here, some with subtle variations. You might want to use your browser search function to locate words related to your specific search. (Use CTRL + F to open the find function.)
Here are the old posts:
Teeth Dream Comments:
I had a dream about friend well a couple of choir member's falling and then getting up noticing they had broken a tooth, and it seemed they had all fallin and broken a front tooth around the same time, I was wondering if you could help, or tell me what you think that means
I just woke up 5 minutes ago and had this dream. I have this dream alot but it was especially bad this time. I could feel my teeth with my tongue and they felt extremely loose and the next thing I knew I was spitting teeth out into my hand. Every tooth I touched seemed shaky and about to fall out and I would spit out whole teeth and pieces of teeth and soon had a small pile of teeth in my hand.
The first thing I did when I woke up was check my teeth and I was extremely relieved to notice they weren't loose or shaky at all
The first thing I did when I woke up was check my teeth and I was extremely relieved to notice they weren't loose or shaky at all
When a dream is recurring, it means the message is very important. As described in the post above, losing a tooth most often represents losing something/ someone important to you. If you see you are losing ALL your teeth, or many of your teeth- this forebodes a great challenge in your future.
I seriously recommend analyzing everything in your life: school, work, friendships, relationships, family... Is everything okay? What can you do to improve things?
If an analysis reveals nothing, then it is time to seek deeper. If you believe in God or not, ask God to reveal to you the underlying issue. Ask what you need to know to avoid this. Ask to receive the answer in a dream. This is how you are receiving information now, it will be more obvious to you when the answer comes.
When a dream is recurring, it means the message is very important. As described in the post above, losing a tooth most often represents losing something/ someone important to you. If you see you are losing ALL your teeth, or many of your teeth- this forebodes a great challenge in your future.
I seriously recommend analyzing everything in your life: school, work, friendships, relationships, family... Is everything okay? What can you do to improve things?
If an analysis reveals nothing, then it is time to seek deeper. If you believe in God or not, ask God to reveal to you the underlying issue. Ask what you need to know to avoid this. Ask to receive the answer in a dream. This is how you are receiving information now, it will be more obvious to you when the answer comes.
I dreamt of seeing inside my mouth and my left front molar began to fall off in pieces. Interestingly, I put out my hand and the pieces would fall on my hand. But I could see painlessly how the molar's broken pieces would fall. What does this mean?
Unfortunately, I believe this represents a loss. The tooth falling out "in pieces" means that the lost thing has several components (like a family) or else is large enough to be lost in phases, piece by piece.
Please be in prayer over this. Remember: a dream is NOT absolute, guaranteed going to happen. Most times, dreams warn us to correct our ways, to prepare our hearts, and to guide us.
Unfortunately, I believe this represents a loss. The tooth falling out "in pieces" means that the lost thing has several components (like a family) or else is large enough to be lost in phases, piece by piece.
Please be in prayer over this. Remember: a dream is NOT absolute, guaranteed going to happen. Most times, dreams warn us to correct our ways, to prepare our hearts, and to guide us.
I dreamed I was in an alley in a seedy area of town near where we used to live about five years ago, and a mugger assaulted me and tried to pull out my front teeth (I awoke before he succeeded.) Was terrified of him killing me. I think I must've been pressing on my front teeth in my sleep. On the bright side, I wasn't still at my parents home this time! LOL.
AnonymousMay 29, 2011 at 10:39 AM
I had a dream last night that I lost a molar tooth on my upper left side of my mouth. I looked down at the floor and the tooth and root had fallen to my left side. (clean, bright white, and shiny) I felt around in my mouth with my tongue and found that I had another tooth missing on my lower right side.(another molar) I never saw the second missing tooth in my dream. What does this mean?
When the tooth is lost, root and all, it means that whatever is represented by the tooth is permanently lost. It will not be replaced. I wonder- and this is a curiosity in my mind, not an interpretation of any sort -if the left side might represent a different "side" than the other. In my life, when a family member has suffered, or been lost, the dream was of the left side of the mouth. When finances were involved, it was the right side of the mouth.
I have personally dreamed of losing part of a molar and, in the same dream, it represented a financial loss (a customer) and my grandmother's passing. In another dream, I lost three silver teeth (and later lost three businesses) and saw a replacement tooth, made of gold.
I am still waiting for the golden business, however.
When the tooth is lost, root and all, it means that whatever is represented by the tooth is permanently lost. It will not be replaced. I wonder- and this is a curiosity in my mind, not an interpretation of any sort -if the left side might represent a different "side" than the other. In my life, when a family member has suffered, or been lost, the dream was of the left side of the mouth. When finances were involved, it was the right side of the mouth.
I have personally dreamed of losing part of a molar and, in the same dream, it represented a financial loss (a customer) and my grandmother's passing. In another dream, I lost three silver teeth (and later lost three businesses) and saw a replacement tooth, made of gold.
I am still waiting for the golden business, however.
I had a dream last night about losing my newly installed bridges on the left (lower) side of my mouth, I was playing with it with my tongue and shoot it just loosened, shocked by what happened I took it out of my mouth.Then I examined it, it was so white and clean without any traces of blood. Can you help me interpret my dream?
Eliza, dreams can be from the Holy Spirit, from the unholy spirit (which should be ignored), and from our own minds. Since the bridge is new, it seems likely to me that this is a dream of the mind. My first thought is that this is most likely simply the manifestation of a lot of thinking about the new bridge.
However, after praying, I understand that this is a dream from the Holy Spirit to comfort you and assure you that everything is okay with the new installation.
It is important to pray over the interpretation. Interpretation belongs to God! Peace to you.
However, after praying, I understand that this is a dream from the Holy Spirit to comfort you and assure you that everything is okay with the new installation.
It is important to pray over the interpretation. Interpretation belongs to God! Peace to you.
Good evening sir.....
I am so blessed 2 have found ur youtube channel....I have so many questions....BUT for now I wanted 2 ask 4 ur opinion....today i woke up from a nap....and i had the strangest dream ever!... i lost 2 teeth...and they were on the bottom....i knew it was 2 because the gap was a little big big....it didnt hurt neither....in that dream I also went to a friends house and her mother told me that she died...and we were just talking ( this friend and i dont talk as of now..not because were enemies but after high school we just simply drifted apart)....also in my dream I had a family tell me that they wanted me to babysit there kids...and how they were going to bring the kids to my house....however after expecting my house they didnt like it.... they also were going to pay me a good amount of money.....then i woke up.... sir....i sometimes have the strangest dreams.. theres alot of symbolism..and it gets frustrating because I cant make nothing of it..but it bothers me.......
thank you and God Bless
I am so blessed 2 have found ur youtube channel....I have so many questions....BUT for now I wanted 2 ask 4 ur opinion....today i woke up from a nap....and i had the strangest dream ever!... i lost 2 teeth...and they were on the bottom....i knew it was 2 because the gap was a little big big....it didnt hurt neither....in that dream I also went to a friends house and her mother told me that she died...and we were just talking ( this friend and i dont talk as of now..not because were enemies but after high school we just simply drifted apart)....also in my dream I had a family tell me that they wanted me to babysit there kids...and how they were going to bring the kids to my house....however after expecting my house they didnt like it.... they also were going to pay me a good amount of money.....then i woke up.... sir....i sometimes have the strangest dreams.. theres alot of symbolism..and it gets frustrating because I cant make nothing of it..but it bothers me.......
thank you and God Bless
♥ :
Your dream seems to fit the two basic dream interpretations above: personal relationship loss & financial loss.
However, note the overarching theme of loss in the dream. I believe this is an area in need of prayer. There may be a generational curse in play. (That is what I perceive.)
Your dream seems to fit the two basic dream interpretations above: personal relationship loss & financial loss.
However, note the overarching theme of loss in the dream. I believe this is an area in need of prayer. There may be a generational curse in play. (That is what I perceive.)
what do you mean by generational curse?...and what can i do about it?....i kinda thought since my friend died in my dream that maybe it wont be a family member but perhaps a close friend or something...you know?...
When I was praying about it, I thought it might be an individual or group of spirits coming against your finances (too common, actually). But, this felt wrong in the spirit. Then I understood this is a generational curse. Daniel repented of "the sins of the fathers", and the exile in Babylon ended. For you, this means repenting on behalf of your forefathers. Then, break the curse and command all works of the enemy against you to cease. Here are resources:
Thank you Brother......
Im going to check those websites out...ive also decided that my sister and I are going to wake tomorrow at 5 am and fast and pray about this.... your websites and youtube channel is truly a blessing!
God Bless,
Im going to check those websites out...ive also decided that my sister and I are going to wake tomorrow at 5 am and fast and pray about this.... your websites and youtube channel is truly a blessing!
God Bless,
Hello, Brother...
im kinda confused.... about my dream that i told you about (2 teeth falling)...on friday morning i had another dream....in my dream i checked my phone because it was vibrating...i sat that i had a txt msg..and this is what it said: " Ur right......... get to know him , it is He that will give you victory.".....then woke up with my cellphone actually vibrating.......ok that msg said ur right....but what am i right about...that someone is going to die or is this all about some generational curse that I need to rebuke with prayer and fasting...
i have a feeling that that dream was from God.
im kinda confused.... about my dream that i told you about (2 teeth falling)...on friday morning i had another dream....in my dream i checked my phone because it was vibrating...i sat that i had a txt msg..and this is what it said: " Ur right......... get to know him , it is He that will give you victory.".....then woke up with my cellphone actually vibrating.......ok that msg said ur right....but what am i right about...that someone is going to die or is this all about some generational curse that I need to rebuke with prayer and fasting...
i have a feeling that that dream was from God.
♥ - Our God does not cut off a bruised reed or snuff out a smoldering candle. That is, those who are seeking Him are not shut off. He is not the God of death, but the God of life. For this reason, as He is calling you, it means life, not death.
Jesus came to set the captives free. "The Spirit of the Lord [is] upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised," (Luke 4:18, KJV)
Your dream is "calling" you to come closer to Jesus, to learn about the power to be set free. This is deliverance. You can PM me at my YouTube account: knowjesusknowpeace.
Jesus came to set the captives free. "The Spirit of the Lord [is] upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised," (Luke 4:18, KJV)
Your dream is "calling" you to come closer to Jesus, to learn about the power to be set free. This is deliverance. You can PM me at my YouTube account: knowjesusknowpeace.
AnonymousJuly 15, 2011 at 1:00 AM
Dear Man from Modesto,
I have been studying my dreams about teeth falling out for over 10 years, I do not have them that often but when I do they are very clear, as if it is real waking life. I always wake up immediately after the dream, remember the dream exactly and document it. I believe what you have said about the significance of a loss is correct, also "not in control of a situation" I believe is the additional meaning.
Through my studies I have found that the front teeth at the top and bottom of the mouth, central incisor and lateral incisor, relate to love in a persons life. Teeth from the Canines to back of the mouth, on both sides of the jaw relate to work. Teeth from the Canines to back of mouth on both sides of the roof of the mouth relate to money.
The most recent event was a job loss, I had the dream on the 2nd of June, then I was informed of the lay off on the 14th of June, about 13 days later. Before then I hadn't had any such dreams for about 11 months, and my job had seemed stable so the news came as a total surprise. I had another on the 13th of this month, a canine on the right side of the jaw, I do not have any idea as to what it might relate to in my life at present. It was small like a tiny stone or piece of glass, and I remember thinking "I don't need it, it is good to get it out of the way".
I am sure the the state and size of the tooth also has relevance as you have touched on. My primary interest now is where these dreams come from, who instigates them? These are not lucid dreams, I am convinced I am awake, they are clear and vivid. Someone wants me to experience these as a warning, but how is it that someone can control my subconscious state to the point where it is informing me about future events?
You say "Remember that there is no set, predetermined destiny" of course we have free will, but maybe certain events, major events, happen in order to guide us along a certain path? These are shocking events, we are receiving a warning about them, as if it has already been concluded what is going to happen.
Do you think it is because of our own personal choices that these events occur?
I have been studying my dreams about teeth falling out for over 10 years, I do not have them that often but when I do they are very clear, as if it is real waking life. I always wake up immediately after the dream, remember the dream exactly and document it. I believe what you have said about the significance of a loss is correct, also "not in control of a situation" I believe is the additional meaning.
Through my studies I have found that the front teeth at the top and bottom of the mouth, central incisor and lateral incisor, relate to love in a persons life. Teeth from the Canines to back of the mouth, on both sides of the jaw relate to work. Teeth from the Canines to back of mouth on both sides of the roof of the mouth relate to money.
The most recent event was a job loss, I had the dream on the 2nd of June, then I was informed of the lay off on the 14th of June, about 13 days later. Before then I hadn't had any such dreams for about 11 months, and my job had seemed stable so the news came as a total surprise. I had another on the 13th of this month, a canine on the right side of the jaw, I do not have any idea as to what it might relate to in my life at present. It was small like a tiny stone or piece of glass, and I remember thinking "I don't need it, it is good to get it out of the way".
I am sure the the state and size of the tooth also has relevance as you have touched on. My primary interest now is where these dreams come from, who instigates them? These are not lucid dreams, I am convinced I am awake, they are clear and vivid. Someone wants me to experience these as a warning, but how is it that someone can control my subconscious state to the point where it is informing me about future events?
You say "Remember that there is no set, predetermined destiny" of course we have free will, but maybe certain events, major events, happen in order to guide us along a certain path? These are shocking events, we are receiving a warning about them, as if it has already been concluded what is going to happen.
Do you think it is because of our own personal choices that these events occur?
AnonymousAugust 17, 2011 at 12:59 PM
I have recurring dreams about my teeth. Anywhere from once a month to 15 or more times a month. It is anything from all my teeth crumbling and falling out, to being loose and spitting them out. The last one I had was the worst one yet, I woke up crying. I could usually tell before in all my dreams I was dreaming, but not this one. My teeth started to move around in my mouth until all my teeth were extremely crooked and separated. After looking in my own mouth (as if I was someone else) I noticed some of the molars were actually popcorn pieces, which I took out. Then the front bottom teeth began to grow and fall out. I tried putting them back in, all the while thinking, "I should have gone to the dentist about this long ago". I then woke up in tears. It's always black and white or at least there is never any blood and never any pain. It's always me, but I seem to see my mouth as if there was a mirror there, but there isn't, or as if I'm some invisible person.
Anon, re: excessive recurring dream about losing many teeth. Note that teeth do not actually crumble, and that they some times come loose and fall out, yet other times crumble and fall out. This shows us that the dream is not actually about a future event in which you lose your teeth, or that the dream is false. A collection of dreams about a true future event will compliment each other. They will not contradict each other. So, we conclude that the dream is representative and symbolic.
Next, look at your thinking, "I should have gone to the dentist about this long ago." We have the ability to think about what we are seeing whiling dreaming and to monitor our own thoughts similar to how we "hear" our thoughts in waking life. Such thoughts really have no impact on the truth of the dream. This are mostly worthless, and can be misleading if we do not recognize them as our own thoughts, separate from the dream's content.
Also note that your lower front teeth were growing before they fell out. Human teeth don't grow, at least not in an observable way. “Teeth” in this dream represent something else that can “crumble” , become weak in the foundation, and then fall out (be lost), and can also grow.
We must remember that interpretation belongs to God. After praying about this, here is the interpretation: You are beginning many things at once. You are trying to rush. All these projects, or businesses, or doings are going to get out of your control. Some of them will grow. But, despite your efforts, you are going to lose them, just as the teeth fall out in the dream.
Move carefully and surely in life. Before you begin something, count the cost. Do you have the time, energy, and resources to complete the project? Slow down. Life requires balance. Success does not bring happiness.
Next, look at your thinking, "I should have gone to the dentist about this long ago." We have the ability to think about what we are seeing whiling dreaming and to monitor our own thoughts similar to how we "hear" our thoughts in waking life. Such thoughts really have no impact on the truth of the dream. This are mostly worthless, and can be misleading if we do not recognize them as our own thoughts, separate from the dream's content.
Also note that your lower front teeth were growing before they fell out. Human teeth don't grow, at least not in an observable way. “Teeth” in this dream represent something else that can “crumble” , become weak in the foundation, and then fall out (be lost), and can also grow.
We must remember that interpretation belongs to God. After praying about this, here is the interpretation: You are beginning many things at once. You are trying to rush. All these projects, or businesses, or doings are going to get out of your control. Some of them will grow. But, despite your efforts, you are going to lose them, just as the teeth fall out in the dream.
Move carefully and surely in life. Before you begin something, count the cost. Do you have the time, energy, and resources to complete the project? Slow down. Life requires balance. Success does not bring happiness.
AnonymousSeptember 11, 2011 at 8:42 AM
Hello brother, last night I had a dream that I woke in the house where my family was, and all my teeth appeared to be breaking at the root. The teeth were loose at the root. I began to panic because the thought of loosing my teeth was frightening. I looked in the mirror and my smile was horrendous. I got dress went outside and proceeded to the dentist. In the meantime, I call the dentist and told them about my teeth and they told that each tooth would cost 55o dollars for fixing. I paniced. As the same time I began to spit out little peices of my teeth. Then when I turned around to lookl in thje mirror, my teeth appeared to be white,clean and shiny, accept for two on the left that were yellow and filled with plaque. Please help me Holy Spirit
A lot of this dream is fear. You are afraid that some things you desire to keep will be lost. This represents doubts and fears.
Seeing that all your teeth are okay shows that your fears are unfounded- that things are actually fine, or they will improve.
Even the two yellow teeth you noticed in the late part of the dream are a manifestation of fear.
The reason the cost is so high ($550)is that it is a price you cannot pay. The solution will not come from your own resources. With man, it is not possible. But, with God, all things are possible.
Pray for freedom from fear, and pray for God to remove anything He desires gone, and to protect what is yours.
Seeing that all your teeth are okay shows that your fears are unfounded- that things are actually fine, or they will improve.
Even the two yellow teeth you noticed in the late part of the dream are a manifestation of fear.
The reason the cost is so high ($550)is that it is a price you cannot pay. The solution will not come from your own resources. With man, it is not possible. But, with God, all things are possible.
Pray for freedom from fear, and pray for God to remove anything He desires gone, and to protect what is yours.
AnonymousNovember 27, 2011 at 6:32 AM
i had a dream about my teeth falling out in pieces but my teeth were very white and healthy, and for some reason they kept falling out in pieces, but only the side teeth and my molders i was crying because they were falling out, i was at work telling everyone about my teeth and they helped me with the people that i was supposed to talk to and help me but there was nothing else they could do, does anyone know what this could mean???????
AnonymousNovember 28, 2011 at 10:06 PM
I am continually having dreams about my teeth falling out. This dream usually happens at least once a week or more. There is little variation in it, so I feel very strongly that this is something that I need to know, I just can't figure this one out. My dream always starts midway, and it's like I'm standing in front of myself watching this gruesome scene happen. I know it is me that it is happening to. My mouth area is bloody and when I open my mouth my teeth begin to fall out quickly. I catch them in my hand and try to reinsert them but they won't stay. Eventually they all end up in my two touching hands that are extended in front of me. The teeth in my hands begin to crumble between my fingers. My hands and mouth are dripping blood. Can you help me with this. I need so insight so I can sleep again.
AnonymousNovember 29, 2011 at 1:28 PM
I had a dream last night that I was talking to some of the youth I work with at my church including my daughter. At one point I started to scold them about something and my teeth started to shift (reminded me of dentures) I became afraid and aware and kept trying to fix them into place and continue talking but I eventually got up to look in the mirror at this point my teeth where in my hand but not in peices or seperate all together as if they were dentures. When I looked in the mirror there appeared to be black dirt or something in my gums and I started to rinse my mouth with water and the teeth until they where clean. When I looked at my mouth again there were baby teeth growing in, several rows of them. I noticed a couple were growing in crooked(molders). I was confused and trying to figure out what happened...
I prayed for the interpretation but any insight you can provide me with would be greatly appreciated.
I had a dream last night that I was talking to some of the youth I work with at my church including my daughter. At one point I started to scold them about something and my teeth started to shift (reminded me of dentures) I became afraid and aware and kept trying to fix them into place and continue talking but I eventually got up to look in the mirror at this point my teeth where in my hand but not in peices or seperate all together as if they were dentures. When I looked in the mirror there appeared to be black dirt or something in my gums and I started to rinse my mouth with water and the teeth until they where clean. When I looked at my mouth again there were baby teeth growing in, several rows of them. I noticed a couple were growing in crooked(molders). I was confused and trying to figure out what happened...
I prayed for the interpretation but any insight you can provide me with would be greatly appreciated.
Hello Man from Modesto,
Incredibly enough I had this dream also. All my lower front incisors and canines fell off one by one. In the dream, I ran to my mother and told her what had happened. I asked her, is it a curse? She said "such curses exist". She told me to remember everyone I had offended and apologize in my heart. (I have already done this repeatedly before). Then all of a sudden, she started accusing me of flirting with one of the tenants who lives in my compound. (This is how my house is in real life as we are land owners). She said she saw me from afar making some obscene sexual gestures towards the girl. This is where the dream ended. Could you make any sense out of it?
Incredibly enough I had this dream also. All my lower front incisors and canines fell off one by one. In the dream, I ran to my mother and told her what had happened. I asked her, is it a curse? She said "such curses exist". She told me to remember everyone I had offended and apologize in my heart. (I have already done this repeatedly before). Then all of a sudden, she started accusing me of flirting with one of the tenants who lives in my compound. (This is how my house is in real life as we are land owners). She said she saw me from afar making some obscene sexual gestures towards the girl. This is where the dream ended. Could you make any sense out of it?
AnonymousDecember 8, 2011 at 10:29 AM
yesterday, I had a dreamed that while speaking I began to spit out a bunch of teeth that appeared to come from the my right side of my jaw. As I held them in hand, I ran my tongue against the root of the right side of my mouth and all teeth appeared to be intact- except one lower tooth, which in reality has been giving me problems from time to time. when I woke from the dream, that particular tooth started to ache and caused me great pain all day; even at this moment I have oral gel on it. I know that its possible that my tooth started to ache while sleeping and it may have triggered the dream... but is it possible that the dream and the reality of the tooth could all be a warning?
AnonymousDecember 10, 2011 at 9:00 AM
Hi -
Suprised to find a dream site that references God, usually it is of the other nature. I had a horrible dream about one tooth coming out, the entire tooth including the part below the gum. AND then as I went to find a dentist teeth were falling out in my hand and at the dentist he was trying to pull out my last tooth with pliers while above me sitting on the dentist chair and my pile of teeth was on the dental chart. I ran to get away but could not escape. Any thoughts, I have been going through a lot of change, and have been asking God all the time for direction of a relationship. I am beginning to think this is an answer to my question.
Suprised to find a dream site that references God, usually it is of the other nature. I had a horrible dream about one tooth coming out, the entire tooth including the part below the gum. AND then as I went to find a dentist teeth were falling out in my hand and at the dentist he was trying to pull out my last tooth with pliers while above me sitting on the dentist chair and my pile of teeth was on the dental chart. I ran to get away but could not escape. Any thoughts, I have been going through a lot of change, and have been asking God all the time for direction of a relationship. I am beginning to think this is an answer to my question.
Hi, I came across this post while searching for some answers. I hope you can help me if you're still responding to comments.
Last month I had two dreams of my teeth falling out. I don't remember the specifics; I didn't pay much attention to them. I do recall doing a search online about possible meanings. I read that losing teeth can be a sign of embarrassment about physical appearance. I was satisfied with this answer since I have struggled with poor self esteem for many years. But last night I had another dream that was much more vivid and I need help understanding it.
I don't remember much of the "background" or context of the dream. I remember being at a Texas BBQ country-style restaurant, seated in a secluded table toward the back. The restaurant was on a dirt road kind of in the middle of nowhere. It was evening, almost dark. My mom was seated across from me and my dad was seated next to me. There were others in the restaurant but they weren't near us.
By the time we were seated at the restaurant, I had already lost 2 teeth. I don't remember how. I remember putting napkins in my mouth to stop the bleeding. I noticed that another tooth was loose, so I tapped it and it fell out. I put another napkin in my mouth to stop the bleeding. I felt very confused as to why my teeth were falling out. My parents acknowledged it all but seemed aloof. Then another tooth started to feel loose, so I tapped it, and it, too, fell out. By this time, I was very distressed. I remember feeling panicked and helpless. I didn't want to lose my teeth and couldn't understand why it was happening. I looked at my hand and saw it holding the four teeth I'd lost, two from each side, one top and one bottom. They were intact, root and all. They were larger than I thought human teeth could be, yellowed, and damaged-looking. I remember crying and begging to be taken to the ER. I then woke up.
I don't know if this is of any significance, but I dreamed this dream after crying and praying to God that He would speak to me since I've been having a lot of trouble hearing Him. I've felt very spiritually alone and crave closeness with God, but I just can't hear Him. I don't know how to.
I'm sorry this is long. I hope you or somebody can help me. Thanks for reading.
Last month I had two dreams of my teeth falling out. I don't remember the specifics; I didn't pay much attention to them. I do recall doing a search online about possible meanings. I read that losing teeth can be a sign of embarrassment about physical appearance. I was satisfied with this answer since I have struggled with poor self esteem for many years. But last night I had another dream that was much more vivid and I need help understanding it.
I don't remember much of the "background" or context of the dream. I remember being at a Texas BBQ country-style restaurant, seated in a secluded table toward the back. The restaurant was on a dirt road kind of in the middle of nowhere. It was evening, almost dark. My mom was seated across from me and my dad was seated next to me. There were others in the restaurant but they weren't near us.
By the time we were seated at the restaurant, I had already lost 2 teeth. I don't remember how. I remember putting napkins in my mouth to stop the bleeding. I noticed that another tooth was loose, so I tapped it and it fell out. I put another napkin in my mouth to stop the bleeding. I felt very confused as to why my teeth were falling out. My parents acknowledged it all but seemed aloof. Then another tooth started to feel loose, so I tapped it, and it, too, fell out. By this time, I was very distressed. I remember feeling panicked and helpless. I didn't want to lose my teeth and couldn't understand why it was happening. I looked at my hand and saw it holding the four teeth I'd lost, two from each side, one top and one bottom. They were intact, root and all. They were larger than I thought human teeth could be, yellowed, and damaged-looking. I remember crying and begging to be taken to the ER. I then woke up.
I don't know if this is of any significance, but I dreamed this dream after crying and praying to God that He would speak to me since I've been having a lot of trouble hearing Him. I've felt very spiritually alone and crave closeness with God, but I just can't hear Him. I don't know how to.
I'm sorry this is long. I hope you or somebody can help me. Thanks for reading.
I had a dream early hours of this morning, I dreamt I was in new Zealand in a nice sunny resort with my recent ex boyfriend,, as we were walking around I stumbled to a small house which had a polish or Russian lady outside doing some gardening, I spoke to her while my ex wondered off in the back ground and she said to me I always look so miserable when I'm with him & when I'm on my own I'm a much happier person, although I didn't speak back to her, I felt what she was saying was true,, so I wondered off on my own,, while I was walking about my teeth felt really wobbly and then I would touch with my tongue and one would fall out then throughout my dream one by one about 6 off my teeth fell out, I remember walking along with my ex and looked down in my hand to see about 2 of my teeth that looked a weird shape & funny yellow colour like an old bone, I then put them in my pocket so they were safe because remember thinking to myself, I need to keep these for when I go to the dentist. I was very worried the whole time as to why all my teeth were wobbly, sharp and painful..it felt so very real..anyway sometime on I had an argument with my ex,, who the wondered off...I then weirdly come across the polish/Russian lady again who greeted me quite strangely outside her house again,, she kept saying things that I can't really remember now but I do remember her keep showing me a ring with a blue stone in it, she was praising this ring so much but she wouldn't let me get close to it or even touch it, short time on she invited me in for a drink, the drink was purple & in a plastic cup, I remember drinking a bit of it, then all of a sudden we were outside the front of hers & my ex was there mumbling something that I couldn't make out,, she then offered him a drink & walked off without me, I could see them both walking in front of me & remember thinking what a bitch and felt a real sense of loneliness so I did continue to follow them to a sunny pool where there were drinking what she made with there feet dipped in the pool & with there backs to me so feeling pushed out I then walked off on my own through crowds of people,, then found myself outside a busy silver burger van where I was about to walk in to but then my ex & polish/Russian woman were suddenly behind me we walked a short min & we were outside her house again where there were other big Russian men with holding big Alsatian dogs, I looked at the woman % she had a very scared look on her face my ex looked worried & then a big Russian man said you all need to follow us, I felt so scared, so I was talking to the woman who led us here & she said you have to make out your ex is a stranger & sleep with him upstairs or they'll kill all of us, I'm so sorry they found me.
....There was other girls & men led up some stairs by the same mob as we were walking my ex caused a bit of a scene & one Russian guy hit him in the face, practically knocking him out...I shouted no please stop I will do it, I will sleep with him, so we continued walking till we come to a dark room with about 15 mattresses in there just laid out on the floor, I walked over to one which they made me do as I was walking I remember my tooth fell out my pocket & rolled by the bed, I picked it up to put with my other one already in my pocket as I done this, I realized the other one was not there I started to panic & kept coffin & hyperventilating, I coughed really hard & what looked like a piece of thick ridged bark the size of my hand came out of my mouth on to the floor, I remember the russian woman & one of the russian guys looking at me weirdly, I then picked it up and saw that it had engraving on it a long paragraph so I read it out loud, it sounded like something out of the bible the words were good not evil, I turned it round & realized it was a book or I think I shouted out its the bible of some sort,, I was literally in utter shock, thinking what is all this,, then the Russian woman looked at me & said I can believe it.< whatever that meant, I don't know ! anyway we were all made to sleep with these men & I was made to sleep with my ex, I remember pulling my tights down then him getting on top of me saying ''I can't'' then there was a big commotion & all I remember from there was a Alsation barking then me waking up in either a dentist or hospital but think it was a hospital as I remember seeing a few other girls from the house where we made to do things, I'm guessing we were the survivors. I woke up to reality and had to check my teeth as that's how real it felt, I've been in a weird mood ever since. I've always had very mad, strange & wonderful dreams all my life most of which I do remember just this I don't understand.
AnonymousDecember 14, 2011 at 1:53 PM
I had a dream I was around a popular secular rapper. He had went into a booth to rap then I rapped right there from the Spirit. I was looking for a strategic way it seemed to win him for Christ. The dream shifted and it seemed like it was the end times. I was walking in an airport and my bottom teeth were falling out. I was summoned over the loud speaker by a female officer I seemed to know and she was trying to get me to get what appeared to be the mark (a chip I discerned). My Bishop had passed me to head for the exit and he was low key as he was leaving. My teeth were falling out but I managed to get a message out to him by the Holy Spirit in tongues. As he was going down the elevator he quickly interpreted and nodded his head and kept going (i meant escalator). I got away from her and was walking down the street witnessing to people.
I had a dream earlier that the Lord wanted me to evangelize on a certain corner in my city. Im wondering if they are connected somehow?
I had a dream earlier that the Lord wanted me to evangelize on a certain corner in my city. Im wondering if they are connected somehow?
AnonymousDecember 26, 2011 at 8:28 AM
i had a dream that the three bottom teeth in the middle of my mouth we're loose. in the dream I was talking and that's how I found out they were loose. I then went to a mirror opened, my mouth and looked at them, there was one tooth in front of the other two that was way more loose than the others. as I was playing with that tooth, it fell out. I do not remember if I pulled out or if it just fell out. I then began to feel a lot of anxiety and fear and I started thinking this cannot be happening to me, I should've taken better care of my teeth. I called my mom and asked her to come in and look at it. I opened my mouth really wide in the dream and I could see my gums, everything was extra magnified. as I opened my mouth and showed her while I was looking in the mirror, I remember thinking it was not as bad as I thought it was, I thought there was going to be a huge gap in the middle part of the bottom of my mouth. I was still very upset & crying and fearful, I think I remember my mom consoling me and trying to calm me down. I don't remember which part of the dream it was but I also remember seeing the huge gap where the tooth fell out. The gap got wider and wider as I kept looking at it. I remember thinking at the end of the dream this will not be so bad or look so bad as long as the other teeth do not fall out.
I remember thinking,I really hope the other two don't fall out, and that maybe I could save them since they weren't as loose.
The dream was so vivid and clear, I know it means something. Im praying, and need help with the interpritation.
I remember thinking,I really hope the other two don't fall out, and that maybe I could save them since they weren't as loose.
The dream was so vivid and clear, I know it means something. Im praying, and need help with the interpritation.
AnonymousDecember 28, 2011 at 8:39 AM
In my dream my teeth felt loose. I dreamed that I was surrounded by family outside when I realized that my front right tooth fell out. I was shocked and sad. I showed my sister and she smiled. I told her that I had to get it fixed right away. It really bothered me.
AnonymousDecember 29, 2011 at 2:08 PM
I had a dream that a tooth on the left bottom of my mouth, a canine i believe fell out and the others at the bottom were dirty and look like they had splinterd. At the back the rest of the teeth looked healthy and strong. I am concerned, any thoughts? Thank you.
AnonymousJanuary 12, 2012 at 2:20 PM
I had a dream that i lost my front tooth and i was at my church screaming, but i had no pain. Then I opened my mouth again and the other tooth on top of my mouth was breaking into pieces, I was a bit scared in the dream then my bottom fron tooth was gone, after that i just woke up terrified because the dream felt so real. i;m so confused.
I had a dream a couple nights ago about my grandfather who passed about a year ago and well I saw him in my dream and he was telling me to feel his front bottom teeth and they were all loose. Not sure what this signifies.
AnonymousJanuary 25, 2012 at 7:35 PM
I had a dream where all the rooftop teeth came out. My front left tooth (Central Incisor) started bleeding and came out first. And then, one by one...all the teeths were coming out as I pulled it away. I notice that my front right tooth was still standing as other teeths behind it and to the side of it were getting pulled out. Eventually, that front right tooth came out too.
I was able to examine one of the molar (or premolar) teeths. It was stained and aged like it had been buried in dirt for years. I notice there were red particles on it...kind of like the red pepper things they put on "hot cheetos". I then examined my canine teeth and notice that It was huge (up to a mini cellphone). It was like the molar teeth that had the red particles. I washed it away and the red particles would leave but the stain wouldn't.
I was scared and thought this was real. I suddenly woke up, and notice my teeths were still there. I was relieved but now distrubed. What is the meaning of all this?
I had a dream where all the rooftop teeth came out. My front left tooth (Central Incisor) started bleeding and came out first. And then, one by one...all the teeths were coming out as I pulled it away. I notice that my front right tooth was still standing as other teeths behind it and to the side of it were getting pulled out. Eventually, that front right tooth came out too.
I was able to examine one of the molar (or premolar) teeths. It was stained and aged like it had been buried in dirt for years. I notice there were red particles on it...kind of like the red pepper things they put on "hot cheetos". I then examined my canine teeth and notice that It was huge (up to a mini cellphone). It was like the molar teeth that had the red particles. I washed it away and the red particles would leave but the stain wouldn't.
I was scared and thought this was real. I suddenly woke up, and notice my teeths were still there. I was relieved but now distrubed. What is the meaning of all this?
AnonymousJanuary 29, 2012 at 3:18 PM
I would love to hear your take on this dream. I awoke from a nap this afternoon from a very similar dream I believe I have had maybe 2 or three times in the last year (I think). This time, I was prompted to search dream interpretations online. That's not something I normally do, and I stumbled upon your site. I hope you can offer some clarity.
In my dream my teeth get loose, all of them. It becomes hard to close my mouth and I fear if I do, I might pop a tooth. I have to put my hand over my mouth to talk, for fear of spitting my teeth out, as well. This time, in my dream, I looked into a mirror, and saw that I was bleeding from a cut over one of my center top front teeth. Fortunately, I had already had my hand over my mouth, or people would have seen my bloody teeth and mouth. Yuck!
Naturally, I was glad to find everything intact upon awakening. Thanks in advance for your help!
In my dream my teeth get loose, all of them. It becomes hard to close my mouth and I fear if I do, I might pop a tooth. I have to put my hand over my mouth to talk, for fear of spitting my teeth out, as well. This time, in my dream, I looked into a mirror, and saw that I was bleeding from a cut over one of my center top front teeth. Fortunately, I had already had my hand over my mouth, or people would have seen my bloody teeth and mouth. Yuck!
Naturally, I was glad to find everything intact upon awakening. Thanks in advance for your help!
AnonymousFebruary 3, 2012 at 8:37 PM
Hi I dreamt that my front corner tooth broke in half. I have seen tooth related dreams in the past where I feel that all my teeth are shaking and about to fall. I am a believer in God and wish to know of his will.
AnonymousFebruary 15, 2012 at 1:07 AM
I believe your dream is about a realization that you had to give up other things- accomplishments... things you wanted to do- to become a mother. You want them to be proud of you. There are many things you can do and be successful at from home. Blogging and book writing are two things which can also be done in short installments and fit into a parent's schedule.
I had this dream. I was with my granny and she was getting a new set of teeth done, they were sort of implants and she gave me the old ones and they where perfectly clean, white and intact. I had them all the time on the palm of my hand, the weird thing was that the new set of teeth were being placed on her toenails that was well weird cos them teeth on her feet looked perfectly normal to me, and she kept asking me: how do they look, they look nice grandma, I said, and I kept the old ones. what would that possibly mean?
I just had a dream in where I am talking to my husband. He is currently in Afghanistan. So we are talking very cheerfully when my molar in the very back of mouth on the bottom right side of my mouth breaks and I spit out three pieces. I show them to him and he doesn't seem to mind instead I get up and walk towards the restroom where I spit out more pieces and I actually pull out the chunk from my gums. I am still spitting out pieces when I hear my husband talking to someone, I can hear the mans voice and I recognize it as his roommates voice(he is also in Afghanistan). I can tell he doesn't want me to hear the conversation and hear them go into another room. I walk towards the kitchen where I am still spitting out pieces but I am very calm, I grab a cup to put all the pieces which by now is a handful. I go outside to the backyard which there seems to be some kind of carnival and there are two jump houses. On the inside of both I see two post it notes one says "yogurt?' and there other says "no? :(" I know they are from my husband and in the dream they serve as somewhat text messages. When I walk in the house I can hear my husband speaking to my cousin and they are arguing that he is taking me out to eat, and I say that I have not ate in days, which enrages him. I say that I won't be eating today and he says that I have too and to eat at least yogurt. I am at that point holding the cup with my teeth in it but it is only that one molar in pieces. Something peculiar is that when I look down to look at what I am wearing I see a black floral corset and black lace lingerie.
Can you please help me gain some kind of understanding into what my dream could possibly mean? It was very vivid but very calm at the same time I didn't wake up frightened in any way. The post its I relate to since I write post its and put them in every single one of his care packages. I know details are important. I would greatly appreciate if you would help.
Thank you.
Can you please help me gain some kind of understanding into what my dream could possibly mean? It was very vivid but very calm at the same time I didn't wake up frightened in any way. The post its I relate to since I write post its and put them in every single one of his care packages. I know details are important. I would greatly appreciate if you would help.
Thank you.
First, I am a 35 year old woman, married with 2 children.
I had this dream last night and have been torn up about it all day...
I was sitting at a table and hit my head against it by accident. I thought I had just hit my head, but when I touched my teeth with my tongue, they moved a little. I got up to go see them in the mirror, and all the top front teeth started coming out. I don't recall where they ended up. There was blood along the gum line, but then also a new set of teeth behind where the lost ones were. I was crying a lot and someone (I think my Mother) was going to take me to the dentist. What could this mean?
I had this dream last night and have been torn up about it all day...
I was sitting at a table and hit my head against it by accident. I thought I had just hit my head, but when I touched my teeth with my tongue, they moved a little. I got up to go see them in the mirror, and all the top front teeth started coming out. I don't recall where they ended up. There was blood along the gum line, but then also a new set of teeth behind where the lost ones were. I was crying a lot and someone (I think my Mother) was going to take me to the dentist. What could this mean?
My name is Mary and i am from sacramento, ca. When i am sleeping most of the time i find myself waking up without remembering anything in my dream that night but, then when i do have nightmares its only dreams of my teeth falling out and the problem that i am having with these dreams is that its my front top or bottom teeth that keep falling out. Well, this is whats bothering me really bad.... I have had this dream four months ago i dreamed two of my teeth fell out and a week later one of my aunts died then two weeks later another aunt died. I started to actually think back to when i was a kid and i remember that everytime i had a dream that my teeth fell out someone that was close to me or related either got extremely sick or passed away. After i started to notice these dreams about me loosing my teeth I told myself that i was going to tell my partner so she could understand what this means so, thats exactly what i did. I had another dream that i lost a tooth and i went to my partner the next morning and told her watch now somethings going to happen that was two weeks ago and now my grandmother has been in and out of the hospital and currently back in it and shes very sick. I just need someone to tell me what i should do.... This is actually scaring me now....
My name is Mary and i am from sacramento, ca. When i am sleeping most of the time i find myself waking up without remembering anything in my dream that night but, then when i do have nightmares its only dreams of my teeth falling out and the problem that i am having with these dreams is that its my front top or bottom teeth that keep falling out. Well, this is whats bothering me really bad.... I have had this dream four months ago i dreamed two of my teeth fell out and a week later one of my aunts died then two weeks later another aunt died. I started to actually think back to when i was a kid and i remember that everytime i had a dream that my teeth fell out someone that was close to me or related either got extremely sick or passed away. After i started to notice these dreams about me loosing my teeth I told myself that i was going to tell my partner so she could understand what this means so, thats exactly what i did. I had another dream that i lost a tooth and i went to my partner the next morning and told her watch now somethings going to happen that was two weeks ago and now my grandmother has been in and out of the hospital and currently back in it and shes very sick. I just need someone to tell me what i should do.... This is actually scaring me now....
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