Disease in Syria

Disease in Syria - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Disease in Syria !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori Obama illegal arms to Syria !! Syria disease outbreak !! Syria prophecy !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Disease in Syria ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Syria: Last night I prayed and asked the Holy Spirit to show me what would happen with Syria.
I saw a scene in Syria: people walking, stumbling down the street. One man had grey looking skin. His skin and face were abnormal. It was dusk, so I couldn't see the details well.
He staggered and limp-walked, like a man who is not well.


A young man, a college student, is calling around to find one of his friends - ANY friend. Each call rings out, or goes unanswered. Finally, he contacts one friend. They begin talking about what is happening.
A lot of people are sick. They talk to each other about why it is they are not sick. They finally conclude that they two do not source their food from the same place as most people.
They ate a restricted diet. (I don't know what.. maybe Halal, maybe organic, maybe they were Vegan.)
The man on the far end agrees to come over to the young college student's flat.

Time passes...

There is a knock at the door. The college student opens it. His friend is there, half visible in the doorway.

"Why did it take you so long? You said you were coming right over."

He smiles and answers, "First, I had to go and get me some 'change I can believe in'." He steps into full view and holds up a military-black rifle. It has an elongated barrel and the front site looks Russian. (I'm not familiar with the model.)

END (about 3:50 a.m., Kiev time, Sept 4, 2013)

Added May, 2014. The Gun Running is becoming a real issue.

Follow-up: It is now becoming more and more evident that Obama has been sending weapons to the Free Syrian Army- who are killing Christians. If a deadly sickness related to food will happen- remains to be seen (If you don't count the deaths from eating other humans. Syrians have been boiling down dead soldiers and even live ones into "wine.")

Update: September 26, 2014: Obama is now paying Syrian rebels. And, on September 18th, the U.S. government approved sending funding as well as "light arms." The first part of this dream is fulfilled: Obama guns sent to Syria. The other part is a severe disease which will kill many.

Update: April 2, 2015: News sources in the UK today published speculation that a wide spreading flesh-eating plague is moving through towns controlled by ISIS. The article said that the first case was reported "in late September, 2013." That report arrived about 3 weeks after the Holy Spirit showed me what will happen.

Update: September 26, 2015: I read a report today that ISIS is now setting up special centers for their fighters who are dying from AIDS. The article attributes this to their practices of rape and sex slavery. AIDS Running Rampant among ISIS.

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