Cult Controversies! New CINE-EXCESS eJournal launches

Cult Controversies! New CINE-EXCESS eJournal launches - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang Cult Controversies! New CINE-EXCESS eJournal launches !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori Cine-Excess !! cinematic excess !! controversial films !! Cult cinema !! cult films !! cult television !! exploitation cinema !! Horror Cinema !! Xavier Mendik !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan Cult Controversies! New CINE-EXCESS eJournal launches ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

Updated with further contents (September 6, 2013)!
Screenshot from The Last House on the Left (Dennis Iliadis, 2009). Read Claire Henry's article about this remake of Wes Craven's 1972 film here.
Film Studies For Free is scandalously excited to announce the publication of the new peer-reviewed eJournal Cine-Excess. Like the long-running conference and festival, directed by cult film scholar Xavier Mendik, to which it is related, the Cine-Excess journal brings together leading film critics and theorists "alongside international film directors and icons to discuss debates and traditions of global cult film activity".

The special launch issue of the Cine-Excess eJournal is entitled Subverting the Senses, Circumventing Limits and is edited by Mikita Brottman and John Mercer. It is described as follows:
[Issue 1] focuses on the theme of the controversial cult image in its political, historical and aesthetic contexts. With the resurgence of critical interest in the 1980s ‘video nasties’, as well as whole new generation of films being subject to official state control, the cult image is now becoming a crucial index between the censor and the censored. In order to explore the phenomenon fully, contributions to the launch issue considers a range of controversial cult case-studies,  with the creators of these unsettling images commenting directly on these critical interpretations.
The contents for the Subverting the Senses, Circumventing Limits are listed below and you can also read the abstracts of these papers here. There is a lot more of interest going on at the Cine-Excess website, though, so do be sure to take a good look around.

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