The Devil's Big Plans

The Devil's Big Plans - Selamat datang di situs media global terbaru Xivanki, Pada halaman ini kami menyajikan informasi tentang The Devil's Big Plans !! Semoga tulisan dengan kategori Christian persecution !! clam !! devil !! Dick Cheney !! dream !! George W Bush !! giant clam !! internment camps !! Ocean !! pearls !! piers !! REX84 !! treasure !! worms !! ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Silahkan sebarluaskan postingan The Devil's Big Plans ini ke social media anda, Semoga rezeki berlimpah ikut dimudahkan Allah bagi anda, Lebih jelas infonya lansung dibawah -->

This is from sometime around the end of February, 2007.

I was restless last night, wanting to pray. I was distracted several times, then found the floor and my head in my hands. And, I felt a special kind of prayer: the words were mostly coming from outside my person and I began to pray for some things I have never thought to ask our Lord.

"Please show me Lord, how will I stand in the trials? How will my faith persevere?" And I began to ask things like this... which I can barely recall now, as I was quite in the spirit for the prayer.

So, I dreamed a detailed dream about a woman who went to college and worked hard and paid for all her education herself. This was in an Asian country, near a series of piers. [Wow! tingles again writing this...] I see here three people talking. One of them is a young man who decides to do the same. Then I see this young man's history.

(Note: details like this usually are not important to the message, but important to the one who will receive the message eventually, details about that person.)

The young man swims and dives in the ocean. I see him in the water and a voice explains he does research about how sound travels underwater. I see him treading water like a polo player, in-place, but with only the top of his head above water. He is listening to sounds, determining origins, I think.

Then he dives down... down... down... without equipment.

As he descends, I become him. So, I now share his thoughts and vision, as if I am him. I forget I was ever anyone else.

I swim toward the piers by the coast. I swim and find a valuable, yet small circular item on the sea floor. (not typical beach sand here) I collect it and continue. I see a cluster of shells, like very large clams, but with curvy edges, each side mostly doving the other side. They are all cracked open slightly. I bang on the ocean floor and hear the thumping, muted by water. This causes the shells to open (which I knew) and I force the largest one open further. Inside, there are two more shells, smaller and straight edged. These open voluntarily and I see near them "treasures" inside the large shell. There are no pearls, but "pearlized" shells and stones. They are shiny like pearls, but the shells have their original colors and are amazing. I choose a few for myself and put them into a bag on my belt (left side.) I do not take all.... curious.

I turn back and retrace my course. I note a white corral mountain reaching up to the piers. It is a dead patch of corral, without plants. I don't see fish here either. At the top, I see a miniature statuette. I swim up until I recognize a Buddha statue. I tear it from it's foundation. It was attached, and so a bit of the corral tears off with it. I break it up a bit and throw it down.

I swim only a little further and see a second statuette of the same scale (about palm size). This is a different idol than Buddha, but is clothed like a Buddhist. I also tear this one off, break it and toss it down. Both of these statues were quite detailed and obviously hand produced, not casts.

I continue my swim and see a third thing: a miniature river. It seems like a river of water pouring out of a small structure ( I don't have details of this structure... but it is like a kingdom). Looking close, I see the river is comprised of detailed buildings, like 30 and 40 story city buildings. I am so amazed by the detail, I take out my camera.

Zooming in, I see even greater detail. I look in and see a tiny television. It is even working! I see a talking head on the screen. I notice another television in the sea of buildings, people and stuff flowing down the sea floor here (the slope near the beach.)

I decide to take it and grab it with two fingers. As soon as I so this, I hear two people talking off to my right, near where I had been before. I don't see them. One is a small, timid voice, saying things like, "Yes, I know." and "Oh, that is what I meant. I'm sorry. Yes, yes, yes." The other voice is admonishing the little voice. I can hear the conversation, but I only remember from this part:

"Does my accent sound Russian to you? I am not even from around here at all!" The voice is really heavy and deep, with a gravelly undertone. The little one says something and I realize they are now heading my way. I watch them talking. The heavy voice belongs to a strange, tall creature. He is proportioned like Dick Cheney and has all white skin (nude) with ugly purplish marks. The marks are even on his neck and head, like one every 12 square inches or so. The little man wears a suit and is jumping up, kind of, while following near the blotchy one's left arm. Turning his head, the white man sees me. He smiles a disturbing smile with one corner sneered upward. There is a look of plot in his eyes.

Suddenly, I find myself in the next section of piers. I am standing and there is water and not water... can't explain it. ...  The white blotchy one is here and he is showing me his plans. He waves his arm and a scene of something like a city or collection of subdivisions appears. He is saying, "Look at all the things I will do. I will do all these things." He says, "People say I am like xxxxx (something I forgot) but I am like yyyyyyy (something else I forgot.)" But, I am thinking about him the exact opposite of what he is saying, so I think to myself, "Whoa. People say the devil can read our thoughts, but he can't! He has no idea what I'm thinking." Just as I think that, however, his eyes dart toward me in a brief, silent moment. His lips widen and curl up very slightly before he speaks again.

He continues on talking about his big plans, all the things he will do, as I watch. Then, I am opposite him with his little building complex model between us on the ocean floor. He backs up to a wall, holds his arms up and becomes like a raised artwork on the wall of a tree (but without leaves or long branches). As he transforms into the mural, color runs up into him from the ground. 

And I hear him say, "And I will make everyone worship ME!" He starts laughing.

I am looking and feeling how small I am. I think, "Wow. I am going to die right now if he asks me to worship him. I will not do it."

But he doesn't ask and comes back to me. He grabs my arm (doesn't hurt) and says close to my face (right side), "Tell them all the things I will do. And now you must go. But, I am not going to just let you walk out of here. You have to crawl! And you can't use your hands or feet, either. You got to use your knees and elbows." I am thinking... Whatever... I am just getting out of here as fast as I can go.

He waves his hand again and some nasty worms with teeth appear. they cover the ground and are 10 to 12 inches long, about one inch diameter at the middle. The ends taper to a point and these things are snapping up and down by whipping their bodies. I don't care.

I crawl through them and not one bites me. The devil, though, follows me and continues to trash talk into my ear (he is the white blotchy man again). When I get to the pier leading into the next section, he stops and, looking at the pier, says, "Oh. You went so quickly. I didn't know you could go so fast." He really looks surprised.

I swim up and climb out some strange pipe onto the street level. There is a policeman there, who seems similar to a Japanese man, wearing a police uniform with, somehow, British connotations. I call to him, but he does not give me his attention. He has just received a call about a murder.

He runs to the scene. I follow him, staggering and filthy (did I crawl through the sewer???) I am wearing a diving suit. At the murder scene, there are two Caucasian women and a man taking evidence. I want to talk with the younger woman, (a reporter?) I want to tell her everything I saw.


But the ironic thing is, I saw how weak the devil is and how deluded he is. THAT is what I want to report. And, we all already know he has big plans and will make the weak people worship him.

My prayer was answered, I saw that I will not worship the devil, will flee from him, and will escape unharmed.

I also saw something new… about a living place… the devil’s work. 

I later researched and found that Dick Cheney himself designed small buildings for detention centers. One has been built- Guantanamo Bay. 
The woman I wanted to tell in the dream was very likely the woman to whom I sent this dream in a private message. 

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